What happens if I go into labour before my scheduled c section - January 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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I’m due 2nd of jan but my midwife said they would most likely schedule my planned c section just after Christmas around the 29th.. I went home and had the thought of omg what if I go into labour naturally before? It seems so close to my due date that it’s likely that would happen. could I just call the hospital and they’d say come in or would they make me go through labour for as long as possible as most natural labours go? I was 2 weeks late with my last baby and induced (ended in emergency c section) so I actually don’t know what it’s like to go into labour at home or have that experience

Anyone else gone into labour before c section date?

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I went in labor the day of my C-section and had to go early to get and they bumped me up on the schedule. My baby was breech so I for sure needed it. Are you medically needing a C-section or is it preferred choice?

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My sister went in to labor 2 days before her scheduled c-section. Showed up at 2 pm with her water already broke and had the c-section at 5 pm. They’ll just bump you up

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My first baby was breech and the hosptial was so busy they didn’t even have my C-section scheduled yet when I went into labor 10 days before the due date. I just went to the hospital and they have a Dr there or on call that will do it ��

Because it was my first and things were progressing slowly (I was just in early labor) I did have to wait around as they do them in priority order

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I haven’t but am secretly hoping I will so I can feel better about leaving the door open for another baby ��.

My Dr said IF for some reason I do go into labor prior to my supposed c-section date then come to the hospital as always. Depending on how I’m progressing, I will/can either try a vagin*l or ask for a c-section, but it all depends on what stage I’m in.

My first baby was a c-section at 39wks for a breech (really regret not trying to go full term), 2nd was attempted VBAC turned into elective c-section at 41wks (baby boy was SOOOO active that it was becoming beyond painful and I didn’t want to risk his life with pitocin and getting induced, then probably getting a c-section anyways… but my body was not doing anything. Only had one Braxton hicks contraction on his due date and nothing after, not even dilated.)

Baby #3 due date is Jan 08 and we’re set to go in for c-section Jan 04 (my Dr was beyond relieved that I didn’t want a NYE baby and with past history doesn’t think anything will happen if we get close enough to DD with c-section).

We’ll see… as long as baby is healthy is all that matters ❤️

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This is a question I've asked myself a lot as well. I also wonder if I did so happen to go in early would I still get my doctor or would someone else deliver her.

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someone else ended up delivering my baby because it was considered an emergency C-section and my doctor wasn’t on call.

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You definitely go in, but maybe discuss the process with your doctor at your next appointment. I didn't go into labour but ended up with pre-eclampsia last pregnancy and ended up needing to go to the hospital early. They did my caesarean 9 days earlier than planned. I fortunately had my usual doctor but you may end up with whoever is on call.

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This happened to me! You just go the hospital and they schedule you in for an emergency C-section

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did they make you wait and labour at home for a while or did they just okay come in asap

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no right to the hospital

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most people I know who went into labor before planned c called their doctor and their doctor came in early for the c

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I went into labor the day I was scheduled with my daughter, so timing worked out that I went into the OR at my scheduled time in the morning I just had to endure contractions until my spinal.

My second I went into labor 3 days before I was scheduled. My OB was on call and met me at the hospital for a 5:30am surgery.

Just call your OB triage line to notify the doctor on call and head to L&D. You’ll be preregistered so they can take you right up to be monitored until surgery. The OB on call will come to do surgery at the next OR availability. You also have to wait for anesthesia and the surgical assist to come :)

it not the same experience as an “emergency C-section” since there’s nothing life threatening going on unless you’re super dilated. Usually there’s time to do things in the same calm and orderly manner of a schedule C-section.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.