Want your child to feel absolutely loved? Here are the most powerful things to say. (2024)

Inside: Get a free printable list of the most powerful positive words for kids, plus the pitfalls to avoid when it comes to positive things to say to your child.

After I tuck my kids into bed every night, I collapse on the couch, close my eyes, and sigh.

Unfortunately, with four kids, I get about 2.7 seconds of peace before one of them asks for another drink of water, needs an extra hug, or remembers a month-long school project that’s due tomorrow.

But after a few turns on the bedtime merry-go-round, I can finally sink back into the couch.

That’s when the replay of our day starts in my head. It’s like a 10x sped-up video, but every time my mouth opens to say something to my kids, the video slows down so I can hear myself.

“Put your shoes away.”
“Your room is a mess!”
“Stop bugging your sister.”
“You haven’t brushed your teeth yet?”

My own personal highlight reel of nagging and negativity, directed at the people I love most in the world.

The weight of my words crushes my chest, and my mind scrambles to remember: when did I say something loving, something sweet, anything positive?

Was I so focused on treading water in a neverending sea of parental to-dos – getting snacks, folding laundry, mediating sibling squabbles – that I forgot to tell my children how much I love them?

My kids deserve better. They deserve to hear every single day that no matter what road bumps we hit, I feel lucky to be on this lifelong road trip with them.

Bonus:As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter,get a free cheat sheetof the 75 most powerful positive words for kids, plus three important pitfalls to avoid when it comes to positive things to say to your child.

But Here’s the Problem

It’s heartbreaking to think that your child’s last thought after you tuck them in at night and before they fall asleep may be: Is Mommy mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Does Daddy still love me?

What’s more, lack of connection with your child also leads to more unnecessary power struggles and less cooperation from your child1Markham, L. (2020, July 21).How Can You Enforce Limits If You Don’t Use Force?. Aha! Parenting. when you ask them to clean their toys up, to help empty the dishwasher, or to stop chewing their food like a cow with a megaphone.

But as parents in today’s world, we have a lot on our plates. Because of that, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in the daily struggles of parenting that you forget to stop and tell your child how much you love them.

When you have too much to do and too little time to do it, you’re in survival mode not nurturing mode. And those positive sayings for kids like “You’re important to me” and “I love you to the moon and back” that our children crave from us? They go unsaid.

Want your child to feel absolutely loved? Here are the most powerful things to say. (1)

Recently, I came across this quote from a doctor and author who specializes in childhood development and trauma:

“Love felt by the parent does not automatically translate into love experienced by the child.”2Maté, G. (1999).Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder. Random House UK.

Dr. Gabor Maté

In other words, those positive messages for kids don’t work when you just think them to yourself after your kids are tucked into bed. You need to actually say them out loud.

I realized it was time for a change.

Because the research is crystal clear that when kids feel warmth and affection from their parents, that has a life-long positive impact on the child.3The Gottman Institute. (2017, November 7).How a Parent’s Affection Shapes a Child’s Happiness for Life.

Not only do kids with affectionate parents do better in school and develop a healthy self-esteem, they also end up emotionally happier and less anxious as adults. Parental warmth even has an impact on your child’s physical health.4Bergland, C. (2013, October 4).Parental Warmth Is Crucial for a Child’s Well-Being. Psychology Today.

And so the important question is: When you’re busy and overwhelmed and just impaled your left foot on a stray LEGO, how can you remember to say out loud all the positive things you should say to your child to remind them of your unconditional love?

Related: How to Connect With Your Child: The Magic of the 5:1 Ratio {Printable}

Here’s a Quick Fix for Every Busy Parent

This is easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of parenting life, so I decided to set up a visual cue. Something to serve as a gentle reminder for me to switch out of survival mode a few times a day and fill my children’s tank with unconditional love.

Because when you’re trying to stick to a habit, research shows that a visual cue can remind you of your intention when you’re most likely to forget it.5Patterson, K., Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2012). Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success. Grand Central Publishing.

For example:

  • If you set a goal to eat healthier, you could leave a neon bright Post-It Note on your fridge to remind yourself that “Snack = veggies only.”
  • Or if you wanted to stick to an exercise routine every morning, you could set your workout clothes on your nightstand the night before.

For my visual cue, I made a nice printable list of all the positive things to say to your child to show them you love them. I can stick this list of positive words for kids on my fridge, tape it to my bathroom mirror, or leave it on the driver’s seat of my car as a reminder every time we get in the car to go somewhere.

Below, you can get this free printable list of positive messages for kids as a visual cue for yourself.

Related: 7 Best Family Bonding Games That Will Help You Reconnect Quickly

Want your child to feel absolutely loved? Here are the most powerful things to say. (2)

75 Most Powerful Positive Sayings for Kids

Get your free printable list of the most powerful positive words for kids here right now. Then every time you see your printable list, say one of these positive messages for kids to make your child feel absolutely loved.

Don’t forget to grab the printable so you also get the list of three important pitfalls to avoid when it comes to delivering these positive sayings for kids!

A quick caveat: You won’t find phrases like “You’re so smart” to praise your child’s abilities on this list because that kind of praise can undermine your child’s motivation6Xing, S., Gao, X., Jiang, Y., Archer, M., & Liu, X. (2018). Effects of Ability and Effort Praise on Children’s Failure Attribution, Self-Handicapping, and Performance. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1883. and even foster narcissism in your child.7Brummelman, E., Nelemans, S. A., Thomaes, S., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2017). When Parents’ Praise Inflates, Children’s Self-Esteem Deflates. Child development, 88(6), 1799–1809. To learn more, check out Here’s the Secret Phrase to Turn Your Kid Into an Amazing Student. (Hint: It’s not “You’re so smart.”)

  1. You are important to me.
  2. I love spending time with you.
  3. You make me smile.
  4. The world is better with you in it. (This phrase is featured onour sweet I Love You Bookmarks. Get the whole setso that every time your child reaches for one, they’ll feel absolutelyloved.)
  1. I feel so lucky to be your mom/dad.
  2. I’m proud of the person you are.
  3. I love you from your toes to your nose to where your hair grows! (For extra giggles, touch your child’s toes when you say “toes,” their nose when you say “nose,” and the top of their head when you say the last line! For more funny ways to say “I love you,” check out 50 Meaningful + Cute Ways to Say “I Love You” to Your Child.)
  4. You are beautiful to me, inside and out.
  5. I thought of you today when… (Finish with a specific time during the day that you thought of your child.)
  6. I like you. (Even if you say “I love you” regularly, does your child know you like them too?)
  7. Sometimes if I’m feeling sad, just thinking of you makes me feel better.
  8. You can always talk to me, even if it’s about something that makes you nervous or scared or sad.
  9. I love to watch you… (Then give an activity your child enjoys, like play soccer, get wrapped up in reading a book, make art, play your clarinet, and so on.)
  10. You make my heart feel full.
  11. I appreciate when you… (Finish with a specific example of something your child does that’s helpful or kind.)
  12. You’re one of a kind.
  13. I care about you more than you can imagine.
  14. I’m grateful that you’re in my life.
  15. I love your insides and your outsides!
  16. I’m here for you, no matter what happens.
  17. I’d love to hear what you think about… (Then ask your child’s opinion on something that matters, like what to have for dinner, what to do on the weekend, where to go on your next family vacation, and so on.)
  18. I noticed you working hard on… (Finish with a specific example when you noticed your child pushing themselves to learn or grow or finish something.)
  19. I believe in you.
  20. I saw when you… (Then give a specific example of your child doing something helpful or kind.)
  21. I love you no matter what. (This one is made even more special if you first read the beautiful children’s book No Matter What† together!)

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  1. I love hearing your ideas.
  2. You make a difference in my life.
  3. I love seeing the world through your eyes.
  4. Seeing you happy makes me happy.
  5. You matter to me.
  6. I hope you have an awesome day today.
  7. Anytime you need help, I’m here for you.
  8. I love you just the way you are.
  9. You are a precious treasure to me.
  10. I respect you and your opinions.
  11. We’re a team, you and me.
  12. I love being your mom/dad.
  13. Sometimes I look at you and think back to when you were younger, and… (Finish with a specific memory of when your child was younger.)
  14. There’s only one you in the world.
  15. I love your laugh/smile.
  16. Nothing would ever make me stop loving you.
  17. It’s you I like. Every part of you. (Perfect for fans of Mister Rogers!)
  18. You’re an important part of this family.
  19. It’s exciting to watch you grow up.
  20. I’m so grateful you’re my daughter/son.
  21. You can always come to me, no matter what.
  22. I love you more than… (Then give a specific example like more than all the stars in the sky, more than all the fish in the sea, more than cupcakes love sprinkles, and so on – feel free to come up with silly examples too!)
  23. I will always be there for you.
  24. Being your parent is my favorite part of life.
  25. You are special to me.
  26. Thank you so much for doing… (Finish with a specific example of an action your child took.)
  27. You make life fun.
  28. I love being around you, no matter what we’re doing.
  29. You are my favorite 5-year-old.
  30. I love you to the moon and back. (Or you can take this one step further by adding on, like “I love you to the moon, past the end of our solar system, to the next galaxy over and to every other galaxy in the universe, to the alien planet no one knows about yet, and all the way back home.”)
  31. I’m a fan of you. (This one is inspired by our favorite pick for family movie night, We Bought a Zoo.)
  32. I love when we learn something new together.
  33. I’m never too busy for you.
  34. You light up my day.
  35. That was a kind decision when you… (Then give a specific example of something your child did that was kind.)
  36. I have fun when I’m with you.
  37. I love you more than French fries. (Or insert your favorite food like pizza or cupcakes.)
  38. Seeing you smile makes me smile.
  39. You’ll never get in trouble for talking to me about something that’s bothering you.
  40. I feel blessed to have you in my life.
  41. You inspire me to be a better person.
  42. Even if I’m feeling frustrated about something, I still love you.
  43. I love the way your mind works.
  44. You make me happy, just by being you.
  45. I wouldn’t trade you for a million gabazillion dollars.
  46. I love you when… or… (Finish with two very different examples, like “I love you when you feel brave or scared” or “I love you when you’re serious or silly.” The inspiration for this one came from the sweet children’s book called The I Love You Book.)
  47. I miss you when we’re apart. (Or you can go for the over-the-top version, “I miss you when I blink,” which is also the name of a funny memoir from a mom about trying to do it all).
  48. You can always tell me the truth, even if you’re scared to, and I will still love you.
  49. I wish I didn’t have to go to work so we could stay home together and play all day!
  50. I will love you always and forever.

Related: 150 Conversation Starters for Kids That Will Make You Closer Than Ever {Printable}

But First, Beware of This Gotcha

Visual cues have one weakness. After a while, they become wallpaper.

In other words, after you get used to seeing the cue in your environment, the cue stops reminding you. And this list of positive words for kids is not immune to this phenomenon.

But there’s a simple fix: When the cue stops catching your eye, just move it to a different spot.

Here are a few different places you can put this free printable list of positive sayings for kids. When the list starts blending into the background, move it to a new place from this list.

  • The fridge
  • A door
  • The bathroom mirror
  • The dinner table
  • The driver’s seat of your vehicle
  • As a bookmark for whatever book you’re currently reading – your own personal reading material or a read-aloud chapter book you’re using at bedtime with your child
  • On your nightstand
  • Inside your kitchen pantry
  • Laid inside a drawer you open frequently, like in your dresser or bathroom vanity
  • On the kitchen counter – for example, next to your coffee maker

Plus, here’s a bonus idea I love for an extra reminder: Change your password to one of these positive sayings for kids every few days. Then whenever you enter your password, it will be a reminder to say those positive words out loud to your child.

For example, you could change your password to URImportant2Me! to represent the phrase you are important to me.

Want your child to feel absolutely loved? Here are the most powerful things to say. (4)

The Best Times to Use These Positive Words for Kids

Let’s say you’ve received your free printable list of positive words for kids, and you hung it in a prominent spot in your home as a visual cue. Awesome!

But…now what? These are all beautifully positive things to say to your child, but when do you say them?

Here are a few ideas for how to work these positive messages for kids into your days:

  • Surprise your child by saying their name out of the blue, then saying a phrase – bonus points if you bend down and get on their eye level first
  • Pick a different phrase to say at bedtime every night while tucking your child in – say it with a smile or whisper it while you give a big bear hug
  • If you’ve had a moment of disconnection like a disagreement or power struggle, deliver one of these phrases with a hug, back rub, or pat on the shoulder
  • Write a phrase down and leave it for your child to find – a slip of paper in your child’s school lunchbox, a Post-It note on the bathroom mirror, a notecard on their pillow, and so on
  • When you notice your child seems sad or upset, say one of these phrases
  • If you notice your child struggling with something like homework or learning something new, encourage them with one of these positive sayings for kids

Related: 10 Children’s Books That Will Make Your Kids Feel Absolutely Loved

Get Your Free Cheat Sheet: 75 Positive Words for Kids

Use this cheat sheet of positive things to say to your child to help you remember to show your unconditional love for your child – even when life is busy.

  1. Get the free cheat sheet. Join my weekly-ish newsletter and as a bonus, you’ll get the printable! Just click here to get it and subscribe.
  2. Print. Any paper will do the trick, but card stock would be ideal.
  3. Hang your cheat sheet somewhere handy like the fridge. See the But First, Beware of This Gotcha section earlier in this post for ideas on how to keep the reminder fresh and effective.
  4. Say a phrase to your child. A couple ideas for how to use the cheat sheet: You could set yourself a personal goal of a certain number of positive things to say to your child every day, or you could mark off each phrase as you use it and try to get through the whole list within a certain period of time.

Here’s a sneak peek of your printable cheat sheet:

Before you go, get my FREE cheat sheet: 75Positive Phrases Every Child Needs to Hear

Your Turn

What are your favorite positive words for kids? Share in a comment below!

  • 1

    Markham, L. (2020, July 21).How Can You Enforce Limits If You Don’t Use Force?. Aha! Parenting.

  • 2

    Maté, G. (1999).Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder. Random House UK.

  • 3

    The Gottman Institute. (2017, November 7).How a Parent’s Affection Shapes a Child’s Happiness for Life.

  • 4

    Bergland, C. (2013, October 4).Parental Warmth Is Crucial for a Child’s Well-Being. Psychology Today.

  • 5

    Patterson, K., Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2012). Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success. Grand Central Publishing.

  • 6

    Xing, S., Gao, X., Jiang, Y., Archer, M., & Liu, X. (2018). Effects of Ability and Effort Praise on Children’s Failure Attribution, Self-Handicapping, and Performance. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 1883.

  • 7

    Brummelman, E., Nelemans, S. A., Thomaes, S., & Orobio de Castro, B. (2017). When Parents’ Praise Inflates, Children’s Self-Esteem Deflates. Child development, 88(6), 1799–1809.

Want your child to feel absolutely loved? Here are the most powerful things to say. (2024)


Want your child to feel absolutely loved? Here are the most powerful things to say.? ›

Words of affection can be simply telling your child “I love you” on a daily basis. You can also say things like “I'm so proud of you” or “I'm so thankful the Lord brought you into our lives”. The important thing to remember is to focus on the each child as an individual.

How do I make my child feel loved and valued? ›

How to Help Kids Feel Loved and Lovable
  1. 1 Correct with love. Children look to their caregivers for reassurance that they are valued and valuable. ...
  2. 2 Notice children's efforts. Children feel cared for when adults pay attention to the little ways they are growing and learning. ...
  3. 3 Write love notes. ...
  4. 4 Be there.
Feb 22, 2022

How do you express your love for your child in words? ›

Words of affection can be simply telling your child “I love you” on a daily basis. You can also say things like “I'm so proud of you” or “I'm so thankful the Lord brought you into our lives”. The important thing to remember is to focus on the each child as an individual.

Why is it important for a child to feel loved? ›

If you have a warm, loving and affectionate relationship with your child it will help them feel safe and secure. This sense of security is known as bonding or attachment. When children feel secure they are more likely to be happy and confident, and be able to handle conflicts and anger.

What parents should say to their child? ›

9 Things Parents Should Say to Their Kids Every Day!
  • “I Love You” Say it often.
  • “I Like it when you…” Talk about positive aspects of their behavior.
  • “You make me happy.” That makes them feel valuable.
  • “I am proud of you.” They need to hear they are doing a good job even when it is hard.

How do you know if a child feels unloved? ›

Beyond typical childhood fears, an unloved child may develop intense and irrational phobias. These fears could be a subconscious manifestation of a deep-seated need for emotional security.

What happens when a child doesn't feel loved? ›

When children don't form an attachment relationship with a trusted adult in infancy, they can go on to develop a series of emotional, behavioural, and social problems, called child attachment disorder. This might happen if their caregiver is neglectful, abusive, or absent.

What is cold mother syndrome? ›

Cold mother syndrome refers to a parenting style characterized by emotional distance, dismissiveness, and rejection. This type of mothering is often accompanied by a lack of emotional availability and neglect of a child's emotional needs.

What do you say instead of I love you? ›

I adore you. You complete me. You fill my heart with love. You're everything to me.

How do you write a heartfelt letter to a child? ›

Here are some tips and exercises to get you started:
  1. Short is good. You could write a 30-page letter, but you don't have to. ...
  2. Accentuate the positive. ...
  3. Be honest. ...
  4. Use the words "I love you" and "I am proud of you." These are two phrases children want to hear.
Dec 23, 2015

What happens if you never felt loved as a child? ›

How Being Unloved in Childhood May Affect You as an Adult. Feeling unloved as a child can have long-lasting effects from lack of trust to mental health conditions, but healing is possible. If you had an unloving childhood and your emotional needs went unmet by your caretakers, you're not alone.

How does lack of affection affect a child? ›

A lack of affection can lead children to constantly search for approval, as well as make them insecure and rebellious. The key to avoid this is to spend quality time with them.

What happens when a child is loved too much? ›

Children need nurture to flourish, but too much nurture can become over-nurture, and over-nurturing becomes childhood overindulgence. Even though it may look good, over-nurturing keeps children from becoming successful and self-confident.

What are the best parenting advice? ›

Set Limits and Be Consistent With Your Discipline

Establishing house rules helps kids understand your expectations and develop self-control. Some rules might include: no TV until homework is done, and no hitting, name-calling, or hurtful teasing allowed.

What is the best advice to give to your child? ›

These tips seem even more relevant today in both life and business:
  • Give back when you can, or it feels right. ...
  • Find someone to spend the rest of your life with but only after 30. ...
  • Enjoy people for who they are. ...
  • Always say “I love you” to those you love. ...
  • Find a hobby. ...
  • Be your own boss and take a chance! ...
  • Have kids!
Aug 16, 2023

How do I make my child feel respected and valued? ›

Whether at school or at home, there are several ways to help your child learn respect and feel respected:
  1. Talk to your child like the grownup you want them to become. ...
  2. Give them your ear. ...
  3. Don't interrupt. ...
  4. Offer them a role. ...
  5. Don't laugh, offer praise. ...
  6. Demonstrate trust. ...
  7. Give them space.
Nov 6, 2020

How do I make my child feel equally loved? ›

How Parents Can Show The Love Equally To Each Very Different...
  1. Give them quality one-on-one time. Consistently taking time to give your children one-on-one time, Lynch says, shows them you care and that they are important. ...
  2. Celebrate their uniqueness. ...
  3. Show your love for them. ...
  4. Validate them but be authentic.
Dec 23, 2019

How do you communicate with children so they feel valued? ›

Positive communication with children means paying attention, respecting the child's feelings and watching your tone of voice. If you have a busy schedule, make sure to allocate some time every day to simply sit and listen to your child. Children thrive with words of encouragement and praise.

How do you let your child know you are proud of them? ›

Here are five ways to show your children you're proud of them:
  1. Praise The Effort Along With The Achievement. No achievement comes without hard work, and it's important to praise the process alongside the prize. ...
  2. Talk About The Challenges. ...
  3. Show Confidence In Their Abilities. ...
  4. Celebrate As A Family. ...
  5. Reward, Reasonably.


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.