Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (2024)

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Throwboy makes a variety of Apple-themed pillows, including the Iconic Pillow Collection, which started out as a Kickstarter but is now available from the Throwboy website.

There are five pillows in the Iconic Pillow Collection, which have been designed to look like some of the most important products Apple has released over the years, including the Apple II, the original Macintosh, the iMac G3, the iPod, and the iPhone.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (1)
All of the pillows are made from a soft plush material with a short pile, though displays and other accents are often made of felt or are embroidered on. The fabric is fuzzy and fun to touch and hold, and the stuffing inside is pliable with just the right amount of plushy give when squeezed.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (2)
The pillows are all priced at $39.99, but come in different sizes. The Macs, for example, are a good deal larger in volume than the ‌iPhone‌ and the iPad and take up more space. Given the size differences I'm surprised the pillows all have the same price point, especially because some of the Macs are also more detailed just due to the greater number of components that needed to be replicated.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (3)
Throwboy's ‌iPhone‌ pillow is modeled after the original ‌iPhone‌, which was released in 2007. That ‌iPhone‌ featured a silver body, and so the body of the pillow is made from a silver-gray material. The top and the bottom bezels are constructed from the same plush material in black, while the screen is a slightly different material with a different shade of black to make it stand out.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (4)
I think the ‌iPhone‌ pillow would stand out more with icons on the display, but obviously that's a lot more embroidery, so this simpler version works, though it's less visually impressive than some of the others just because of all the black. There's an embroidered Home button, the volume button rocker on the side, power button, a mute switch, speaker and microphone, and a round camera cutout at the back.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (5)
It's faithful to the design of the original ‌iPhone‌ and it's going to be recognizable as an ‌iPhone‌. The ‌iPhone‌ is the smallest of all the pillows (13 x 7 x 3 inches), so if you're aiming for an Apple pillow that doesn't take up a lot of space, this is the one to get.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (6)
The iPod pillow is similar to the ‌iPhone‌ pillow, but a bit larger and thicker, with more defined edges. It's made of a white plush material with a gray back and is modeled after the original iPod released in 2001. There's a yellow plush display and an embroidered click wheel, along with embroidered buttons at the top.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (7)
The iPod pillow is one of my favorites of the bunch because it's so recognizable and it's just super cute sitting on a couch or in a chair. It's a little bit more huggable than the ‌iPhone‌ because of its slightly larger size, measuring in at 13 inches by 8.5 inches by 4 inches.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (8)
Of the Mac pillows, the classic Macintosh pillow is probably my favorite. It measures in at around 10 inches by 8 inches by 11 inches, and it's kind of the perfect couch pillow size. It's definitely the cutest design of the Mac bunch, made from a plush beige material with a black plush display area, an embroidered floppy drive, and a rainbow pillow logo.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (9)
At the back, there's detailing that matches all of the components of the 1984 machine. It's impressively intricate, with fan grilles, speaker cutouts, and other embroidered components, plus it's shaped just like a classic Mac, only plushier.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (10)
The ‌iMac‌ G3 pillow, designed to look like one of Apple's colorful iMacs in an aqua color, is the puffiest of the bunch and the nicest to squeeze or hug. It's my second favorite of the Mac pillows, and the most colorful pillow of the bunch thanks to those blue accents. It's about 13 inches by 9 inches by 8 inches, making it a little bit bigger than the others.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (11)
The display at the front is made from a plush gray material, with white plush around it and a blue plush fabric for the back. The speakers and disk drive are embroidered on, and the back features the classic ‌iMac‌ G3 design with handle. There are even little blue embroidered feet at the bottom.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (12)
The 1977 pillow, which mimics the Apple II, is one of the larger pillows, measuring in at 13 inches by 5 inches by 13 inches. The Apple II was a bit of a weird looking computer, and it doesn't translate into pillow form as well as some of the other products because of its design.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (13)
Like on the other pillows, the detailing is exquisite, though, and there's really no mistaking that this is an Apple II. All of the keys are embroidered on, and there's a rainbow pillow logo on the display portion of the pillow. It's made of a beige material, with black material at the back.

Though called pillows, these are more akin to plush toys as there are no removable components. You can't disassemble these for washing purposes, which is something to keep in mind. You may be able to wash them on a gentle cycle in a pillowcase as you can sometimes do with plush toys, but I'm not sure how that would affect the embroidery. (Update: Throwboy says the pillows can indeed be washed on the gentle cycle with cold water, and dried on a gentle cycle or line dried).

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (14)
All of these pillows come with two Throwboy tags, one at the back and one at the side. It's also worth noting that they all have a pillow-style logo in place of the traditional Apple logo where appropriate.

$39.99 might seem expensive for a pillow, but these are priced competitively with pillows and stuffed toys that share a similar intricate design, so the pricing seems about appropriate for the quality and the build.

Bottom Line

Throwboy's Iconic Collection pillows are soft, plush, huggable, and perfect as an alternative to a traditional throw pillow. Anyone who loves Apple products is going to like Throwboy's pillows, making them an excellent choice for office or home decor or to give as a gift.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (15)
I like how soft and cuddly these pillows are -- they really are comfortable for a quick nap or to lean against on a couch or chair. It's also sometimes just nice to hug something super squishable, and these are perfect.

People old enough to have used these devices are going to love the throwback vibe, so if you're a longtime Apple fan, it's worth picking up a pillow or two.

How to Buy

All of the pillows in the Iconic collection can be purchased from the Throwboy website for $39.99 each.

Note: Throwboy provided MacRumors with the Iconic Pillow Collection for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received.

Review: Throwboy's Iconic Pillows Let You Decorate With Classic Apple Product Designs (2024)


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