Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (2024)

Happy post Mother’s Day Monday and #TGIM – as I continue looking forward to Mondays and my #52Chances a year, in which I have to share my memories of Mom!

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (1)

I spent the weekend commemorating and reminiscing about my mom (as well as both of my grandmas), in honor of Mother’s Day, as I went through their old photo albums and scrap books that I’ve inherited. I mused over how much they, each, have influenced me and taught me things as I was growing up and, especially, after I had children of my own. I miss them all so much.

Generally, moms (and grandmas, alike) provide our primary and most influential impressions – nurturing us, teaching us, and molding who we become as adults, ourselves. Hence, moms should be celebrated and honored for more than just a day! In essence, that is why I write these blog posts every week – to celebrate and honor my mom even more than just on Mother’s Day.

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (2)

This week, I wanted to write a special “Mom’s Day” tribute – for my mom, my grandmas and all of the inspiring mothers, everywhere. Yesterday was perhaps a much different Mother’s Day celebration than most of us have ever experienced previously! 2020 is undoubtedly going to see a lot of “firsts” in the way we celebrate holidays and special events.

Regardless, I hope all the moms out there had some kind of safe, marvelous, memory-making Mother’s Day observance; despite our new norms from the pandemic! Currently, some moms are being “essential workers” on the “front lines”, as described by the CDC, and some moms are being “essential workers” on the “home-frontline”, as they have never been before. Some super moms are juggling both!

Over the past several months, our homes that were once our havens from the rat race have now become our shelters from the Covid storm. Home-sweet-home has become a combination personal office, school, gym, library, church, theater, eatery and much more. “Stay Home” orders are still in place here, in Michigan, and elsewhere, to continue “flattening the curve” of the pandemic’s spread that has plagued our world.

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (3)

Mothers and daughters share a special and unique bond! I think that is especially so when grandchildren come into the picture, as that’s when I most realized WHY Mom did all that she did in raising me and my siblings – when I had my own children. That next generation put our relationship on a whole new level! I think the same can be said for my daughter and I, especially after she had a child of her own, too. Mom used to always say, loud and proud, “GRANDCHILDREN ARE A BLESSING!” I second that!

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (4)


Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (5)

As I wrote about last May, we should always honor our mothers, regardless of the day – but why not create a national month-long celebration for moms! I even advocated that we should start a campaign for May to be National Mother’s Month! Who’s with me?

I feel that one of the best ways I can pay tribute to my mom – and that anybody else can pay tribute to their mom, as well – is to PAY IT FORWARD; honoring all that she has sacrificed, given and taught by passing it on to the next generation and hoping that they will, in turn, do the same. “Honor thy mother!” AND “Be the best you!” That, I believe, is the most excellent, of which any of us can achieve!

In my blog posts, as my mom did in her own patch-work-quilt-style writings, I try to bring “my readers” a hodge-podge of happy recollections of, both, Mom and the nostalgia of days gone by. Add in a few smiles and, maybe, a giggle or even a belly-laugh. I also enjoy sharing little bits of knowledge on hot topics and current events; with a recipe or two from Mom’s collection (and, occasionally, my own) as the whipped cream on top of the banana split!

I have so many wonderful memories, traditions and teachings that Mom instilled in me, and which her mom (and Dad’s mom) taught her. I can only hope that, in sharing them with all of you, they may benefit someone else, in some way, as much as they have me and my family!

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (6)

Mom used to joke, in her cartoons and columns, about how Americans honor things like pickles for a whole week, while mothers are celebrated for only one day. I would also like to know why silly things, like pickles and other oddities are celebrated for a full week or even all month-long, while our very givers-of-life only get one special day of honor!

Granted, there is a lot more marketing, promotions and sales of cards, candy, jewelry, flowers and so on for Mother’s Day than there is for National Pickles Week! All around the world, moms are perceived as probably the most influential and compelling people – not only in how they impact our own personal lives, but also in how they leave their impactful footprints on the world, one child (or future adult) at a time!

Share your thoughts and use #NationalMothersMonth on social media, if you agree that mothers should be celebrated for the whole month of May!

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (7)

Beyond our mother-daughter relationship, Mom and I shared an even more amazing relationship, as during the last few years of her life, I worked closely with her; rewriting one of her favorite, self-published cookbooks, Gloria Pitzer’s Better Cookery Cookbook. We chose the May 1983, 3rd Printing edition to rewrite and reformat for the new digital age. It was originally self-published in 1982, after Mom’s FIRST appearance on the “Phil Donahue Show”.

The book was freshly configured and somewhat updated for a new, digital generation to enjoy! The collaboration and partnership, between us, put our mother-daughter relationship on a completely new and different plane, for which I am forever grateful. The more I delved into Mom’s writings, the more I was inspired and moved in my own desires to be a writer. Now, here I am and, like half of what Mom always said, “…writing makes living worthwhile.” I just wish I could make a living with it.

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (8)

Before she ever became the Recipe DetectiveTM, before she authored and self-published over 200 newsletter issues and more than 40 cookbooks, Mom created and syndicated many editorial-style columns that covered the satirical side of current events and hot topics, as they related to homemakers – some included recipes and/or cooking tips.

Mom’s writings ran under the various titles of “The Pitzer Patter”, “Minding the Hearth”, “The Cook’s Corner”, “Food for Thought” and “No Laughing Matter”. Mom also created a series of cartoon panels called “Full House, as kept by Gloria Pitzer”, which also focused on the satirical side of the not-so-liberated-life of a wife, mother and homemaker, such as herself.

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (9)

Mom always had a very satirical sense of humor – not just in her writings and drawings, but also in life. Almost half a century later, I’m amazed by the timelessness of some of the issues, about which Mom wrote. I guess it’s true – the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (10)

We still need to fix the roads and there’s still corruption in politics. Every now and again, we still face a food crisis or flooding or a water shortage or some kind of seasonal/regional natural disaster. As well, there are reoccurring rises in unemployment, interest rates, the cost of living and general inflation. History continually tends to repeat itself in new forms of old events.

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (11)


As seen in…

No Laughing Matter (circa 1970s)


As a ‘suburban housewife’, I fail to see how anyone could classify my routine as ‘dull’! For one thing, everyone knows that the mother of an active family has no routine! We’re lucky if we can get our slippers on the right feet first thing in the morning. In fact, we’re lucky if we can even find those slippers, having to, first, plow through an undergrowth of Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs on the way to the kitchen, where we must witness testy debates over who gets the [prize] in the box of [cereal] and why a 40-year-old man refuses to take the Donald Duck Thermos in his lunch…

What’s wrong with a quest for a roll of Scotch tape that’s your very own or having the phone ring and the call is for you instead of your teenager? [Margaret Mead’s] working definition [of a ‘first-class’ woman, not being a housewife or homemaker,] is a ‘trained, competent, professional woman’. Now, I’d be the last one to contradict an expert, but in defense of women who become wives and mothers… we have had training (although much of it’s on the job), are extremely competent and are professional [according to Webster’s dictionary] in that we have ‘a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or skill’…

If you don’t think it takes learning or skill to varnish a complex-of-disorder with enough love and efficiency that husbands and children grow up with security and comfort, drop around my kitchen some Sunday night… no matter what they tell us [working-outside-the-home homemakers] about turning our kids over to a day care center, there’s nothing like coming home from school to know that Mom’s in the kitchen, whipping up a pitcher of Tang and a plate of Twinkies.”

I always admired how much Mom took on, to balance homemaking and money-making responsibilities. From my youngest memories, Mom almost always worked from home or, when away, while we kids were in school; harmonizing her various jobs. Those for which she was paid money and those for which she only got perks – like hugs, kisses, and love from her family.

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (12)

My mom wore many hats while simultaneously raising a husband and five kids! One of my favorite things about my life and how I was raised is how much both of my parents positively influenced and inspired me – but especially Mom, as a writer, artist, crafter, homemaker, cook, wife, mother, teacher, etc.

I really consider myself lucky to have her as my mom and that I (as well as everyone else) can continue to learn from her timeless writings – her legacy of love. That’s what I enjoy most, sharing those memories, discoveries, and lessons with all of you! I also love to hear stories from others whose lives Mom touched, as well.

‘I’ve had so many good examples to follow – I’ll try to be one, myself, to somebody else.’ – Gloria Pitzer (This is not a Cook Book, written and self-published by Gloria Pitzer (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Oct. 1986, p. 8)

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (13)


In honor of National Eat What You Want Day, here is one of Mom’s popular copycat recipes, from her “Original 200” collection, for Michigan’s own Win Schuler’s Bar Cheese, as seen in The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes© Book (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; June 1997, p. 57). Like the Taco Cheese Spread recipe I shared last week, this cheese is not just for dipping! It can be heated and poured over roast beef, chicken, omelettes, rice, pasta, potatoes, and other vegetables – whatever you want. Experiment and enjoy!

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (14)

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (15)

P.S. Food-for-thought until we meet again, next Monday…

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (16)

Now, Mondays are even more special for me because, on the last Monday of every month, I will continue sharing more “Memories of My Mom”, along with one of her famous copycat recipes, on WHBY’s “Good Neighbor” show, with host, Kathy Keene (with the exception of May’s Memorial Day, as it will be on Tuesday, the following day, instead). You can listen in, live, from a link on WHBY’s website at A few decades ago, Mom was a regular, monthly guest on Kathy’s show, for about 13 years – now it’s my turn! Mondays are absolutely marvelous!

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (17)

…19 down, 33 to go!

Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (18)
Mondays & Memories of My Mom – May For National Mothers Month! - Secret Recipes (2024)


What to do for your mom for Mother's Day? ›

  • Plan a Picnic. Becky Luigart-Stayner. ...
  • Plant an Herb Garden Together. Karl Tapales//Getty Images. ...
  • Cook a Family Recipe. SDI Productions//Getty Images. ...
  • Refresh a Room. Anastasiia Krivenok//Getty Images. ...
  • Take a Stroll. FatCamera//Getty Images. ...
  • Present a "Mom" Show-and-Tell. Amazon Prime. ...
  • Explore a Museum. ...
  • Plan a Getaway.
Apr 19, 2024

How to spend time with mom? ›

For those who just a want a simple way to spend time with mom, a nice day in is a good way to just that. You can bond over her favorite board games, TV shows, or movies. When it reaches evening time, you can prepare a nice meal for her.

How to make your mom feel special? ›

How to Show Your Mother Appreciation on Mother's Day
  1. Make a card or write a letter or a poem.
  2. Bake treats or create a meal.
  3. Help her out with chores.
  4. Get her a personalized gift.
  5. Wash her car.
  6. Pamper her.
  7. Take her on a picnic.
  8. Treat her to an experience.
Apr 18, 2023

How to make Mother's Day special at home? ›

Let mom veg around the house all day while the kiddos get to be “mom for a day.” I personally can't think of a better way to spend Mother's Day! Throw in a load of laundry, make a delicious dinner, clean something (anything!), or just head out for a walk while mom has some quiet time to herself in the house.

How long should a mom stay home? ›

While six weeks has long been the traditional timeline for rest and recuperation after a birth, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends ongoing postpartum care from birth to 12 weeks. Six weeks is also the standard recovery time allotted for childbirth-related short-term disability leave.

How do I make my mom have the best day ever? ›

Parents' Day: 10 Best Ways That Will Make Your Parents' Feel...
  1. Give Them Your Time. ...
  2. Organize A Picnic. ...
  3. Gift A Sweet Treat. ...
  4. Take A Spa Break With Family. ...
  5. Prepare A Family Meal. ...
  6. Write Them A Letter Filled With Love. ...
  7. Talk About The Good Times Together. ...
  8. Take Them To An Event.
Jun 14, 2022

Who should you spend mother's Day with? ›

The priority considerations for Mother's Day are your own mother and, if you have children, their mother, followed by any widowed mothers in your family, including grandmothers and aunts—but etiquette doesn't require you to include everyone. "Allow the rest of your family to take care of their own," says Swann.

What is the nicest thing you can do for your mom? ›

Offer to do a chore (or two)

One of the best things you can do for your mom on Mother's Day is to do something she doesn't want to do. Because there's no greater gift than your time, which, if we're being honest right now, is the one thing she probably wishes she had more of.

What is the best caption for mother? ›

Short And Sweet Happy Mother's Day Quotes
  • “All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” — ...
  • “A mother is the one who fills your heart in the first place.” — ...
  • “Mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled.” — ...
  • “A mother's love is more beautiful than any fresh flower.” —
5 days ago

How to be a good mom to a daughter? ›

But there are plenty of strategies to ensure a healthy, happy relationship lives on into adulthood for both women.
  1. Put yourself in their shoes before arguing. ...
  2. Have realistic expectations, and communicate them often. ...
  3. Be open about your needs. ...
  4. Ask them about their needs. ...
  5. Create a relationship of trust.

How do I get closer to my mom? ›

5 ways for adult daughters to bring mom closer
  1. Appreciate the role she's played. Acknowledge and appreciate your mom's role in your life and how she has helped you along the way. ...
  2. Show her gratitude. ...
  3. Let your mom continue to influence you. ...
  4. Let her be part of your family. ...
  5. Dedicate time to continue traditions with your mom.
Jul 21, 2021

How do you make your mom spend more time with you? ›

Ask to hang out, just the two of you. Suggest you see a movie that you know she's really excited about. You can offer to play video games with her or just go on a walk; the important thing is to show that you're interested in spending time with her. Outings don't even have to cost anything.

How do I show my mom I care? ›

Here are 10 beautiful ways to tell your mother you love her:
  1. Write a card or letter. If you have a hard time expressing your feelings out loud, put it on paper. ...
  2. Show affection. ...
  3. Do nice things for her. ...
  4. Take her on a date. ...
  5. Give her some “me time” ...
  6. Leave her notes. ...
  7. Create a compilation video. ...
  8. Make a scrapbook.


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.