In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (2024)

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Want to peek behind the cosmic curtain and get a hint of what the stars have in store for you?

In this post, we'll review a highly popular site, It's like that cozy corner cafe where the barista knows just how you like your coffee, but for all things astrology.

From spot-on daily horoscopes to deep-diving birth charts, it's got a little something for everyone, whether you're an astrology newbie or a zodiac junkie.

Table of Contents

  • What Is
  • How to Get Started with Cafe Astrology?
  • Cafe Astrology Natal Birth Chart Report
  • Cafe Astrology Love Compatibility Report
  • Cafe Astrology Transits Report
  • Cafe Astrology Synastry/Love Sign Compatibility Report
  • Cafe Astrology Horoscopes and Forecasts
  • Cafe Astrology Numerology Report
  • Cafe Astrology Website: Forecasts, Trends, and Calendars
  • Cafe Astrology Articles
  • Cafe Astrology Interesting Reads
  • Cafe Astrology Tools and Tables
  • What is Available at the Cafe Astrology Shop?
  • Cafe Astrology's Complete List of Free and Paid Reports
  • Cafe Astrology FAQs
  • Key Takeaways

What Is

Cafe Astrology is not just another website about zodiac signs and daily horoscopes. It’s a comprehensive platform that offers a deep dive into all things astrology, whether you're a newbie or a seasoned enthusiast.

The site integrates astrological insights with numerology, allowing users to get a holistic view of their celestial blueprint and offers a host of complimentary tools such as articles, natal birth charts, predictive transits, horoscopes, learning resources, and much more.

As they explain in their own words...

We, at Cafe Astrology, feel that Astrology can be used as a powerful and fun tool for understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us.

How to Get Started with Cafe Astrology?

If you're just starting with astrology, there are a TON of free resources you can get started with on Cafe Astrology.

In the sections below, we’ll be highlighting all of what Cafe Astrology has to offer - both free and paid offerings.

To begin, what really stood out for us were the different reports the site offers that we found were quite insightful and are completely FREE to generate. And, that really is the best place to start.

Before you generate any of the reports, the first step on the Cafe Astrology website is to obtain your Natal Chart, also known as a birth chart - as this forms the basis of many of the other reports that are available to you.

You can head over to Cafe Astrology's guide titled, How to Obtain My Natal Chart. It'll show you easy steps to get your free Cafe Astrology natal birth chart online. We've explained all the steps in detail in the next section, below.

Cafe Astrology Natal Birth Chart Report

After filling out your birth date, location and preferably birth time information, Cafe Astrology will draw out a birth or natal chart for you.

The natal chart report reveals the specific details of your personal birth chart, including explanations for each position and aspect in the chart.

Through this analysis, you'll learn where the planets were located in the various signs during your birth. Among the most personal insights are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs - with most people already being familiar with their Sun sign (or Zodiac sign).

If the exact birth time is known, you'll also discover your Ascendant or rising sign. This provides insights into the planetary positions in different sections of your chart. The report also details and explains the relationships between the planets.

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (1)

You’ll also be able to see your full natal chart wheel below the report:

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (2)

Once you enter your details and have the Natal Birth Chart drawn, you’ll see it under the “Free Report Section.”

Also, note that Cafe Astrology generates a unique profile and PIN number that you should save to sign in again to view your saved reports, as seen below:

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (3)

You can now proceed to create another natal birth chart or move on to other free astrology chart reports based on the birth chart you have created.

For example, you can generate your:

Cafe Astrology Love Compatibility Report

Want to learn your love compatibility with your partner or spouse? There are two ways to generate your love compatibility report - if the birth times are known, and when the birth times are unknown.

If the birth times are known you can generate a full compatibility report that interprets and creates a more detailed report. For this, you’ll first have to create Natal charts for both persons here.

If the birth times are unknown, you can generate a love compatibility report (in a variety of different languages) by entering your date of births’ here, as seen below:

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (4)

Once you run the report, the mentioned planetary aspects in the compatibility chart generated helps determine the potential dynamics between your two charts, covering romantic and emotional ties, as well as social, intellectual, and spiritual connections.

The numbers beside the chart's orbs act as a rating scale. It's essential to understand these numbers are just general pointers, hinting at which connections might be smooth or demanding.

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (5)

Cafe Astrology emphasizes that understanding a relationship is a multifaceted process.

Some connections that appear tough for many might be more manageable for others, and vice versa. Every relationship naturally has a blend of both effortless and tricky aspects.

Sample result of the Love Compatibility Report between two people based on the chart above:

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (6)

Cafe Astrology Transits Report

Based on your birth natal chart, the Transits report highlights and explains the effects of major and minor planetary transits. Some of these astrological effects might be brief, lasting just a day, while others could linger for days, months, or even longer.

The outer planets, which are farthest from the Sun, have the most significant impact on our lives. Since these planets take a long time to move around the Sun, their effects tend to last longer. You'll often notice these effects stretching out for several months.

On the other hand, the quick-moving minor transits result in short-lived moods or minor day-to-day actions. You'll typically see these effects lasting just a few days in your transit report.

However, it's essential to remember that the details with the Transits report don't stand alone. The Zodiac signs, the houses they're in, and their positions in your birth chart all play a role. So, always consider the full picture.

Sample transits report snippet:

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (7)

Cafe Astrology Synastry/Love Sign Compatibility Report

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (8)

Synastry is the art of relationship Astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals interact with one another.

While many astrology platforms focus on an individual's sun sign, the real magic in love dynamics lies in the placement of Venus in your chart.

The sign Venus occupies reveals your overall approach to love and how you naturally express and accept affection. According to Cafe Astrology,

When the relationship in question is a love relationship, one factor that should be considered is the comparison of Venus signs. Although similar to Sun Sign compatibility, Venus Sign compatibility hones in on the individuals’ love nature, and can therefore be very illuminating.

To pinpoint your Venus sign, simply refer to the Venus table on Cafe Astrology, matching the date nearest to your birthday or by looking up your Venus sign by entering your data into the Venus Sign Calculator.

Once done head to this page to unveil how you relate to others by clicking on your Venus sign.

Cafe Astrology Horoscopes and Forecasts

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (9)

For daily, monthly and yearly horoscopes, head over to this page, where you will find all of the below:

Daily Horoscopes: At Cafe Astrology, you can tap into daily insights tailored for every zodiac sign, covering today, yesterday, the upcoming two days, and more. These horoscopes not only offer snapshots for individual signs but also give a broader view with "Today in Astrology" that captures the essence of planetary movements like retrogrades and shifts, and how they resonate globally and with each sign.

Yearly Sneak Peek: The site presents a yearly Horoscope Preview, sketching out the pivotal astrological shifts impacting each sign throughout the year. From love and career to finances and family - all angles are covered. To dive deeper, they offer a full-blown year horoscope which encapsulates the year's energy spectrum.

Monthly Horoscopes: These guides, exclusive to Cafe Astrology, give you a roadmap for the month. Besides general overviews, they spotlight significant dates to help you harness the planetary vibes optimally. Recognizing that one size doesn't fit all, each zodiac sign is further split into three decanates (groups) for sharper accuracy.

Yearly Love Horoscopes: There's a dedicated guide aimed at igniting and nurturing love. This segment reveals the 'when and how' of finding or sustaining love across the year.

Ascendant Sign Horoscopes: Offering forecasts based on your rising sign, these horoscopes give daily predictions for forthcoming months, considering the transits from the Sun to Pluto, Chiron, and key asteroids.

Good Days Calendars: A unique offering, these calendars act as your go-to for identifying favorable days across various aspects - be it making a compelling pitch, handling finances, or simply finding the best love days. Whether you're seeking days of opportunity or trying to sidestep stress, these visual guidesmaybecome your best allies.

In essence, Cafe Astrology provides a horoscopic buffet catering to diverse astrological appetites, ensuring every visitor finds something that resonates with them.

Cafe Astrology Numerology Report

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (10)

Anothercomplimentary offering,Cafe Astrology offers a Numerology Report, calledYou by Your Numbers.

What is numerology, exactly? Well, for more than 2,500 years, individuals have delved into the connection between numbers, dates, and names.By embarking on this numerical journey you can:

  • Unravel your life's direction and fate
  • Recognize potential hurdles you might face
  • Pinpoint significant life events or milestones for you
  • Recognize and harness your unique skills and talents effectively
  • Uncover your natural strengths
  • Gain insights into present situations in your life

To see what the numbers hold for you, you need to enter your name and birthdate to generate the free numerology report which contains your:

  • Life Path Number
  • Lucky Number
  • Soul Number
  • Karmic Lesson
  • Karmic Debt Numbers
  • and more

Fill out the form on this page(also shown below) to generate your numerology report.

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (11)

You can also learn more about numerology here.

Cafe Astrology Website: Forecasts, Trends, and Calendars

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (12)

This section is MASSIVE! Think of this as your celestial planner. It not only lists out planetary transits but also educates on how they might affect you. This section is a treasure trove for both beginners and seasoned astrologers.

Pages and content under Cafe Astrology'sforecasts, trends and calendarsinclude:

  • This Week in Astrology
  • This Month in Astrology
  • Planetary Overview
  • Astrological Aspects
  • Astrological Events
  • Horoscopes Preview
  • Love Dates
  • Eclipse Charts
  • Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses
  • Ephemeris
  • Moon Phases
  • Chart Patterns in Transit
  • Astrology Calendars
  • And more!

Cafe Astrology Articles

Dive into Cafe Astrology's curated collection of articles spanning a myriad of topics.

These articles cater to everyone – whether you're just dabbling, taking your first steps in astrology, or are a seasoned expert.

They represent years of dedicated exploration, practical application, and rigorous research. Beyond astrology, Cafe Astrology also presents pieces on various metaphysical subjects and divination arts.

Cafe Astrology Interesting Reads

The Cafe Astrology website has a vast database of content on astrology - a lot more than we can cover in this post!

So, in this section we’re offering some notable mentions and highlighting sections that you might find interesting to read through and expand your celestial knowledge (or simply have fun browsing!):

Ask Annie: Get insights from Astrologer Annie as she tackles questions with an astrological lens, majorly focusing on personality, love, and relationships.

Famous People: Dive into the birth charts of renowned individuals and explore how the stars played a role in their life's journey.

Planets & Points: Understand the profound meanings behind planets and celestial bodies within the realm of astrology.

Love Oracle: Curious about love? Pose a question to the Love Oracle, which responds using a randomly-picked playing card, coupled with its unique interpretation.

Signs Compatibility Grid: A vibrant, color-coded grid offering a snapshot of the compatibility between zodiac signs.

Free Birth Chart Wheel: With the Free Birth Chart Wheel, get an interactive visual of your birth chart. Hover over its components for in-depth interpretations.

Ascendant Calculator: The Ascendant Calculator not only identifies your rising sign (or Ascendant) but also elucidates its significance.

With such an extensive toolkit, Cafe Astrology is your one-stop-shop for everything astrological. To add to this, you can use the tables below to identify your signs in order to generate a variety of different reports on the website, that go beyond just your sun sign.

Venus Sign Locator: Pinpoint your Venus sign effortlessly, and even check out the Venus positions of your acquaintances and partners.

Mars Sign Chart: With this straightforward table, identify the placement of your Mars sign.

Node Sign Directory: This handy chart lets you quickly determine your North Node sign. Delve into its spiritual implications with Spiritual Life Lessons: The Moon’s Nodes.

Eros & Psyche Chart: Discover the signs for Eros and Psyche based on any birth date. For a deeper dive, check out the dedicated readings on Eros.

What is Available at the Cafe Astrology Shop?

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (13)

While Cafe Astrology's primary focus is on offering complimentary articles, natal charts, horoscopes, and related content, they do have select offerings that come with a price tag. Within their shopping section, you'll find tailor-made astrological analyses crafted by a diverse group of authors and astrological experts.

Touted as being of "high-quality and low-priced" these detailed reports span a range of topics and are priced between $2.95 and $10.

Paid computer reports include:

  • Future Forecast Reports
  • Personality Profile Reports
  • Compatibility Reports
  • Astro-Journey Transits
  • Sky Within
  • Daily Forecast Report
  • Kiddie Gram Report
  • Astro-Journey Transits
  • Goddess Asteroids Report
  • Dynamic Transits Forecast Report
  • Personalized Horoscope Report Package
  • Planets in Solar Return Report
  • Journeys Solar Return Report
  • In-Depth Profile Report
  • Couples Report with Relationship Forecast

Some of the fan favorites and bestsellers amongst the above paid reports include:

Astro-Journey Transits

The Astro-Journey report ($4.95) is tailored for the transitional phase of young adults, primarily targeting those between the ages of 18 to 29.

Created especially for the modern young adult, this digital forecast pinpoints the unique challenges and events they might face leading up to the pivotal Saturn Return at age 29 – a time recognized in astrology as the threshold into definitive adulthood.

These critical years are marked by profound transformations, including the quest for self-identity, achieving financial self-sufficiency, embracing adulthood, and possibly considering commitments like marriage and starting a family.

This period also witnesses shifts in parental dynamics as their offspring chart their own course. While the report is optimized for the stated age bracket, those outside this range can still benefit, albeit with some adaptability in interpretation.

The mastermind behind this insightful report is renowned astrologer Kathie Garcia. This comprehensive analysis spans a year, encompassing the transits of major celestial bodies like the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and even Pluto, in relation to one's natal chart, including the Moon, Ascendant, and specific astrological houses. The report's timeline commences from the order date unless specified differently.

Sky Within

The "Sky Within" ($4.95) stands out as a distinctive computerized personality report, unfolding much like a personal narrative.

Steven Forrest, the mind behind this, is not just an accomplished astrologer but also a masterful writer. His intuitive grasp on decoding one's character through their astrological chart is unparalleled. His writings exude a deep empathy, recognizing the unique spiritual essence of every individual and their significance in the grand tapestry of life. Through his words, readers often find themselves on a journey of self-discovery, uncovering facets and potential they felt but perhaps never voiced.

Engaging with a "Sky Within" report feels akin to a heart-to-heart with someone who knows you deeply. The report resonates with authenticity, offering insights in such a relatable manner that readers often find themselves acknowledging truths about their persona that might not be even known to their closest confidants.

Daily Forecast Report

The Daily Forecast ($2.95) is a digital guide, outlining the daily astrological patterns you're likely to face throughout the year. This report draws its insights from the movement of the Sun to Pluto, inclusive of the significant four asteroids and Chiron.

Aimed at empowering you, the Daily Forecast is your tool to navigate life's twists and turns with greater assurance. It equips you with knowledge, aiding in making informed decisions and fostering clarity in handling life's varied scenarios.

Kiddie Gram Report

The Kiddie Gram Report ($3.95) offers an astrological deep-dive into your child's distinct attributes, helping you understand their innate strengths and potential hurdles. Recognizing and embracing a child's intrinsic nature, along with spotting potential areas of stress, can significantly enhance your parenting approach.

Crafted by Moira Collins Griffin, this digital report provides insights into the principal planets and astrological markers, from the Sun up to Pluto, including the Ascendant. Once purchased, expect this enlightening guide to land in your email inbox within a day.

Planets in Solar Return Report

The Planets in Solar Return Report ($4.95) is a digital guide that looks at the year ahead, from one birthday to the next. It's based on when the Sun is back in its original position from your birth.

This report talks about what you might experience in the coming year, focusing on personal growth. It's easy to read and helps you understand potential opportunities for the year.

In-Depth Profile Report

The In-Depth Profile ($5.95), also known as the Indra Report, digs deep into your birth chart. It's like a mirror, showing your life's motivations, feelings, and personality from different angles, painting a detailed picture of you.

The report talks about the things that make you unique, even the things that might seem conflicting. It offers tips on how to be a better you. By following these tips, you can quickly understand yourself better and clear up any confusion you might feel. The report also touches on your life's karmic direction.

Cafe Astrology's Complete List of Free and Paid Reports

In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (14)

With SO much to absorb, here's a quick overview of everything Cafe Astrology offers, in a snapshot.

Cafe Astrology Free Reports / Calculations

This section is Cafe Astrology’s gem.

  • Free Astrology Reports: Beyond the usual sun-sign horoscope, these reports dig deep. They look into aspects, houses, and give you a personalized analysis, all from the comfort of your own home.

  • Free Numerology Reports: It's not just about stars and planets. Numbers carry vibrational energies that influence our lives, and this section helps you decode that.

  • Ascendant Sign Calculator: Often overlooked, the rising sign shapes our external demeanor. This tool provides quick insights.

  • Compatibility Rating: Because aren't we all a little curious about how we match up with that special someone?

The list continues with tools and reports that cater to every facet of an individual's astrological curiosities, including love predictions, compatibility charts, and personalized relationship assessments.

Cafe Astrology Horoscopes

The bread and butter of any astrology site:

  • Daily Horoscope: Updated daily, it gives users a snapshot of what to expect, what to embrace, and what to watch out for.

  • Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes: These longer horoscopes let users plan ahead. They detail not just opportunities and challenges, but also guide on which days to act and which to lay low.

Cafe Astrology Horoscope – Your Sign

Each sign has its dedicated page, loaded with information about its general characteristics, inclinations in love, challenges, and strengths. Whether you're a passionate Scorpio or a detail-oriented Virgo, there's a detailed breakdown waiting for you.

Cafe Astrology Love and Sexuality

Ah, the matters of the heart! This section:

  • Decodes how each sign behaves in love.
  • Provides compatibility insights, ensuring you don't embark on a relationship flying blind.
  • Offers a detailed "Ask Annie" section for users to get answers to their heart's pressing questions.

Birthdays and Divining Arts

Celebrating birthdays the astro-way. Dive into what the universe has to say about your birth day and year.

Cafe Astrology Website: Forecasts, Trends, and Calendars

Think of this as your celestial planner. It not only lists out planetary transits but also educates on how they might affect you.

Cafe Astrology FAQs

How Does Most of Cafe Astrology Remain Free?

Cafe Astrology maintains its zero-cost approach primarily through its partnership with Whenever a visitor explores or buys Amazon products featured on Cafe Astrology, the site earns a modest commission.

Despite this, Cafe Astrology emphasizes that their Amazon product evaluations remain objective and uninfluenced.

Additionally, the platform once had a collaboration with Powell’s Books, the iconic pre-owned bookstore located in Portland, Oregon. However, as Powell's evolved, morphing into a more mainstream retail chain, its ties with Cafe Astrology eventually dissolved.

Who is Annie Heese?

Annie Heese stands as the founder, brilliant mind and soul, and in-house astrological expert of Cafe Astrology. Her fascination with celestial bodies ignited during her early years, and for over two decades, she's dedicated herself to exploring and penning insights on astrology.

Through her column, 'Annie's Answers', she addresses queries from readers eager to gain cosmic clarity. Her expertise lies in understanding individual traits, love dynamics, and partnerships, but she also often responds to more intricate questions from avid astrology learners..

How Long Has Cafe Astrology Been Around?

Tracing back to its roots, Cafe Astrology started in Northridge, California, somewhere between 2000 to 2004, the brainchild of Astrologer Annie Heese.

Fast-forwarding to the present, it stands tall as a multi-million dollar venture, employing a team of over 75 and resonating with a vast base of enthusiasts.

Over its years of existence, Cafe Astrology has garnered a reputation for its reliability and depth of content. It bridges the gap between simplistic daily horoscopes found in magazines and the more in-depth (and often costly) astrological consultations. The site has successfully demystified astrology for its users, making it more accessible to everyone.

Key Takeaways

  • Cafe Astrology is an online platform that offers free astrology reports, horoscopes, and in-depth content about astrological topics.
  • From daily horoscopes to detailed natal charts, Cafe Astrology provides tools for both beginners and seasoned astrologers.
  • Users can get customized reports based on their birth details, providing insights into their character, relationships, and potential life path.
  • Unlike many sites that focus only on Sun signs, Cafe Astrology also emphasizes the importance of the Venus sign in understanding one's love nature.
  • Annie Heese, the founder, and other experts contribute to the rich content on the site, ensuring accuracy and depth.
  • Beyond predictions, Cafe Astrology serves as an educational platform, offering articles and resources to help both novices exploring astrology and experts to deepen their knowledge.

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In-Depth Cafe Astrology Review (Know Before You Pay $$!) (2024)


How to identify a fake astrologer? ›

Integrity is paramount in astrology. Ensure your chosen astrologer follows ethical practices and doesn't exploit your vulnerabilities. Beware of those who promise unrealistic outcomes or insist on unnecessary services. A trustworthy astrologer focuses on providing guidance rather than instilling fear.

Is there any evidence that astrology is real? ›

Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions.

Who is the owner of Cafe astrology? ›

Annie Heese is the founder and resident astrologer at Cafe Astrology.

What does the Bible say about astrology and zodiac signs? ›

Believing in the power and authority of astrology goes directly against biblical wisdom and Scripture clearly states that chasing after false gods is a sin (Matthew 24:24, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Exodus 20:3). There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to the stars or astrologists.

Which astrology is accurate? ›

Vedic astrology, originating from ancient texts like the Vedas and the Puranas, holds a significant place in Indian society. It's renowned for its intricate calculations, precise analysis of planetary positions, and its holistic approach to interpreting cosmic influences on human life.

What is the best argument for astrology? ›

An argument in favour of astrology is that people of same sign tend to have similar personality traits and that some specific signs tend to meet and get on better with other certain signs. However, this could have a psychological and scientific explanation.

Should we believe in astrology? ›

Summary. Astrology is generally considered a pseudoscience versus being a science. 9 There are no scientific and peer-reviewed studies that validate its premises and promises. That said, it can still be a fun and harmless tool to engage with to learn more about one's self.

Why are zodiacs so accurate? ›

It all started when some astrologers had a great observation for a very long period; they kept noticing every minor change that occurred in the sky and hence ascertained it in the many astronomical observations, events, and calculations. All of this became easier with the advent of technology.

Can astrologers predict the future? ›

It can reveal character, personality, career, challenges, and success. However, predicting specific life events with absolute accuracy is impossible due to personal choices, societal steps, and time.

Who is Oprah's astrologer? ›

Chani Nicholas is's resident astrologer.

What astrology is Kim Kardashian? ›

Kim Kardashian's astrological sign is Libra. She was born October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles, CA. Libra is the de facto sign of partnership in the zodiac, and Kim has certainly been a part of some prolific ones to date, including her marriage to Kanye West and a brief romance with Pete Davidson.

What is Angelina Jolie's astrology? ›

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975. Her birth chart reveals that she is a freedom-loving Gemini Sun, fiery Aries Moon, and a maternal Cancer Ascendant.

What is the zodiac called in the Bible? ›

KJV/KGB: {Mazzaroth: or, the twelve signs} NAS/NAU: perh. "a constellation" NET: The word מַּזָּלֹות; (mazzarot) is taken by some to refer to the constellations (see 2 Kings 23:5), and by others as connected to the word for "crown," and so "corona."

What are the 7 planets in the Bible? ›

Correspondence between Biblical numbers and astronomy

The number 7 is a recurring numerical theme in the Hebrew scriptures. The menorah's seven lamps on four branches correspond to the lights of the seven Classical planets: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun (4th), Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

Does the Bible use numerology? ›

Unsurprisingly, 1 Kings 6:1 directly dates the construction of Solomon's temple four hundred and eighty years after the Exodus. Scholars have in turn concluded that this dating relies on the numerological representation of the length of a generation. Other examples are commonly found across biblical texts.

How do you know if you have a yod in your chart? ›

They're usually the first thing an astrologer would see when looking at a person's chart because they form geometrical shapes — rectangles and triangles, mostly. A Yod is formed when three cosmic bodies connect to make an isosceles triangle.

Does astrologer say true or false? ›

Scientists say astrology doesn't have enough proof to show it's true. Even though people have been studying it for a long time, there's no clear evidence that the stars and planets actually affect our behavior or what happens in our lives. Astrology uses stories and ideas that are hard to prove with science.

How do I find my astrology information? ›

To find your birth chart, you'll need three things: the date, time, and location of your birth. (Yep, you'll need to text your mom or dig up your birth certificate.) Once you have that information, head to an online birth chart calculator, such as Cafe Astrology, and fill out the form.

Is there an astrology widget? ›

With the help of our widget, you can display a daily horoscope for all twelve signs of the zodiac, as well as a horoscope for the next month and even a year. All astrological data is regularly updated so you can be sure you have posted all the current updates and tips.


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Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 5523

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.