Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (2024)

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This easy stovetop candied pecans recipe is a delicious holiday treat and made with a few simple ingredients.

The candied pecans recipe is easy to make in just a few minutes, but you’d better make more than one recipe because they will get eaten up in a flash!

The sugared pecans are the perfect gift for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season.

The Candied Pecans Recipe Are Perfect Homemade Food Gifts

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (1)

Candied pecans are a great snack to place on the counter around the holidays, toss on a salad, pack in a lunch for dessert, or give as gifts.

Christmas is only a few short months away, and these sugared pecans are the perfect Christmas treat, Thanksgiving treat or any day in between.

Candied Pecans On The Stovetop

I love the recipe because it’s so easy and inexpensive, and you can make it right on the stovetop.

And candied pecans with brown sugar are such a delicious treat. You can buy candied pecans, but why not make fresh and delicious ones?

Plus, you can add a different flavor each time.

If you love candied pecans, you’ll love this easy praline pecan recipe. Click and give it a try!

If you love pecans, you’ll love this pumpkin pecan pie that readers love or this pecan pie cobbler, or this slow cooker pecan pie that’s easy to bake while you’re working on other things.

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (2)

A Crunchy Snack Or Topping

You can also sprinkle the sugar-coated pecans on the top of sweet potato casserole, chop them up on top of a chicken dish, or add the perfect topping to a favorite summer salad.

The delicious pecans make a great crunchy snack, as well.

And you don’t have to go broke buying pecans for this recipe.

I usually buy my pecans at Aldi’s because they sell them for a great price, and you can get enough for a couple of recipes.

A Simple Recipe

The pecan recipe only took me about 15 minutes to make. The basic recipe is a quick one and won’t keep you in the kitchen too long.

The pecans cool quickly, and you have a nice gift to take to a friend or a teacher, or you can snack on them without sharing any (wink wink).

These aren’t quite as sweet as other candied pecans. I only used brown sugar and eliminated white sugar. But, they are oh-so-delicious with a deeper flavor.

What Ingredients Do I Need To Make Candied Pecans?

  • Pecans
  • Butter
  • Light brown sugar

Full printable recipe with measurements and instructions at the bottom of the post

Tools Needed To Make The Sweet Treat

  • Saucepan
  • Spatula
  • Stovetop
  • Parchment paper
  • Container to hold the cooled pecans

How To Make Candied Pecans

  1. Add butter to a saucepan and let it melt.
  2. Next, add the pecans to the saucepan and stir them around until they are covered with melted butter.
  3. Add the brown sugar and stir until all of the pecans are covered.
  4. Bring the ingredients to a boil and cook for a few minutes until the pecans begin caramelizing.
  5. Spread them out on parchment paper to cool. They will harden as they cool but still be a bit sticky.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (4)

Add half a stick of butter to a non-stick skillet or saucepan and let it melt on medium-high heat.

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (5)

Add two cups of pecans.

Stir the pecans in the butter until they are covered. I think pecans with butter would be a delicious treat.

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (6)

Add four tablespoons of brown sugar.

I love the taste of brown sugar. It has a deeper flavor than white sugar and adds so much flavor to candied foods.

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (7)

Let the pecans cook in the brown sugar and butter until caramelized.

Take it off the stove and pour the pecans on a piece of parchment paper to cool. The pecans will harden as they cool.

And that’s it – they are such an easy dessert.

Optional Ingredients

  • Ground Cinnamon
  • Sea salt
  • Dark brown sugar
  • Coconut sugar
  • Chili powder
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Maple syrup

You can add some cinnamon to the brown sugar-coated pecans for a more festive fall flavor.

Other Pecan Desserts

  • Pecan Pie Cheesecake Bars
  • Pecan Pie Brownies
  • Chocolate Pecan Pie
  • Praline Pecan Banana Cake
  • Take to holiday and Christmas parties
  • Add to Thanksgiving snack tables
  • Give as holiday gifts for teachers and neighbors
  • Bring to music and academic tutors
  • Take to the office to share in the break room
  • Bring the sugared pecans to the kid’s school

Ways To Use The Candied Pecans

  • Top some ice cream
  • Add to a salad
  • Stir into a brownie mix
  • Add to a bowl for a snack mix
  • Put in a lunchbox for an afternoon snack
  • Add to the top of pumpkin pie
  • Top some green beans, Brussels sprouts, or sweet potatoes
  • Add to cheese boards

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Candied Pecans Need To Be Refrigerated?

No, but they do need to be kept in an airtight container. They will last up to about two weeks if you keep them sealed.

Why Are My Candied Pecans Sticky?

The candied pecans most likely needed to cook a bit longer.

Easy Stove Top Candied Pecans Recipe

Be sure to get the recipe for the easy candied pecans recipe below.

The recipe creates a delicious snack that the whole family will love.

If this is your first time making the pecans stovetop recipe, you will be hooked. It’s a great recipe.

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (9)
Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (10)

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans

Yield: 2 cups

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Rest Time: 30 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans are a delicious holiday treat. The candied pecans recipe is easy to make in just a few minutes, but you'd better make more than one recipe because they will get eaten up in a flash!


  • 2 cups pecan halves
  • 4 Tablespoons butter
  • 4 Tablespoons light brown sugar


  1. Melt butter on medium-high heat.
  2. Add pecans and toss until covered with butter.
  3. Next, add brown sugar and toss pecans until coated.
  4. Bring to a boil and cook until pecans start to caramelize.
  5. Spread on parchment paper to cool.


You can double the recipe if you are giving the candied pecans away as gifts. The big batch is easy to make and is the perfect snack.

Nutrition Information:

Yield: 4Serving Size: 1/4 cup
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 503Total Fat: 49gSaturated Fat: 11gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 36gCholesterol: 31mgSodium: 94mgCarbohydrates: 18gFiber: 5gSugar: 13gProtein: 5g

Nutrition is approximate.

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Julie Pollitt( Blogger Behind Back To My Southern Roots )

Hi there! I’m Julie Pollitt from ‘Back To My Southern Roots.’ My love for cooking started way back on my grandparents’ farm in Tennessee. Those sunny days, the smell of biscuits in the oven, and all the family fun really sparked my passion for cooking. On my blog, I share more than just recipes – they’re like stories from my life, full of Southern warmth and homey goodness. The best part? Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a kitchen pro, you’ll find my recipes super easy to whip up. So, come on, pull up a chair, and let’s make some delicious memories!

Easy Stovetop Candied Pecans Recipe (2024)


Why are my candied pecans soft on the stove? ›

If your pecans are soft, it's most likely because they weren't baked long enough and are still retaining moisture. The sugar needs to bake long enough to caramelize and form a brittle coating on the nuts.

Why are my candied pecans grainy? ›

Either you used raw nuts, or you added them before the sugar had a chance to fully caramelize. Why is the sugar all crystallized and grainy looking? It means that the sugar has crystallized before caramelizing.

How do you keep candied pecans from sticking together? ›

Stir them every 10 minutes or so to avoid them clumping together, or you can just break them apart with a spatula or your hands later.

Why do you soak pecans before roasting? ›

Wet pecans allow the salt to stick easily to the nuts. Plus, soaking nuts helps neutralize enzyme inhibitors, which can harm your digestion, and reduce phytates, which decrease nutrient absorption. Just submerge your nuts in water while the oven is heating up and you'll be good to go.

Why are my candied pecans not crunchy? ›

Beat an egg white with a fork. This is what helps the flavored sugar adhere to the nuts. It also helps to create a light and crispy candied coating. When I first made candied pecans, I was skeptical of the egg white, but after trying it, I became convinced.

Why are my candied pecans chewy? ›

If your candied pecans are sticky, it is likely because the sugar syrup coating has not completely hardened. The syrup may still be wet, or it may have started to crystalize. If the syrup is still wet, you can try putting the nuts in the oven for a few minutes to help the syrup harden.

Why is my pecan candy not hardening? ›

sometimes I have no idea why they won't harden. But if your pralines are still gooey after 30-40 minutes, you may have to scrape them back into the pan and heat them again. Add a tablespoon of milk, melt the sugar, and as before, stir constantly while you bring them to a boil.

Why won't my butter and brown sugar mix? ›

The temperature of your butter is critical when creaming butter and sugar. Too cold, and your sugar won't properly dissolve into your butter. Too hot, and your cakes will end up flat and greasy. The magical temperature of softened butter is actually around 65℉, slightly cooler than the ambient temperature of your home.

How to melt brown sugar and butter together? ›

STEP ONE: To a heavy-bottomed medium saucepan set over medium heat add the brown sugar and unsalted butter. STEP TWO: Stir/whisk until the butter is completely emulsified into the sugar. If the butter is separated, continue whisking until they're completely combined and thick. This should take about 3 to 4 minutes.

How long will candied pecans stay fresh? ›

How long will candied pecans keep? They will keep for up to two weeks in an airtight container at room temperature, at least three weeks in the refrigerator, or up to two months in the freezer. No matter where you store them, keep in a tightly sealed, airtight container.

Should you wash pecans before you crack them? ›

Don't wash pecans. Don't run water over them or even use a damp towel to clean them. Especially in-shell pecans.

How do you make old pecans taste fresh? ›

The simplest way to revive a stale nut is by dry roasting or toasting it in a pan over a medium heat.

Why do people boil pecans? ›

Boiling pecans before cracking them can actually help prevent the shell from shattering. Here's how to boil them to loosen the shell but not cook the meat: ● Bring a large pot of water to a gentle boil ● Add the pecans and let cook for 10-15 minutes ● Drain and let cool ● Get to cracking!

Why do my pecans taste bitter? ›

Pecans have two sources of bitterness -- naturally occurring tannins in the kernel and pieces of corky material from the inside of the nut which can adhere to the kernel. Some of the tannin and all of the corky material can be removed by washing the kernels before cooking.

How long should pecans soak in water? ›

Drain, Rinse, and Roast - After soaking your pecan nuts for about 8 hours, it's time to drain and rinse them. Once you're done with that, spread them over a baking sheet or dehydrator evenly to get them ready for roasting.

Do pecans soften when cooked? ›

Throw all of your pecans in a sauce pan, and pan-fry for about 2 minutes. This will soften the pecans, and really accentuate the nutty flavor.

Why are my candied walnuts soft? ›

Let the candied nuts cool for at least 20 minutes or until completely cool. You don't want to package warm nuts or the moisture will cause condensation which will soften the candy coating. STORE the nuts in an airtight container or ziploc bag for up to 2 weeks.

Can you boil pecans to make them soft? ›

Wait until the water boils. Then, bring the boil to a simmer by slightly turning down the heat. Add your pecans and keep them in the simmering water for up to 15 minutes. Drain them and place them on an unlined baking sheet to cool.

Why are my candied almonds not crunchy? ›

Usually if the almonds are soft after candying it means that they weren't cooked for long enough.


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.