Copycat Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe | (2024)

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Ben & Jerry's has been making ice cream history since 1978. They are well known for famous flavors like Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey. This recipe duplicates their rich and creamy chocolate ice cream (which is the number one flavor of ice cream in America). Feel free to stir in add-ins like nuts, fruits, or candies as desired.

Copycat Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe | (1)


ready in:

2-5 hrs

7 reviews


4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped
1 cup milk
2 large eggs, beaten
1 cup sugar
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 pinch salt


Place the chocolate in a heavy saucepan over very low heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until the chocolate is melted. Slowly whisk in the milk and cook, stirring constantly, until smooth. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool.

Place the eggs in a bowl and whisk until light and fluffy. Add the sugar, a little at a time, while whisking. Add the cream, vanilla, and salt and whisk to blend completely.

Mix the cooled chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and blend well.

Place the ice cream batter in a covered container and refrigerate for 1-3 hours or until well chilled.

Transfer the mixture to an ice cream machine and process as per the machine manufacturer's instructions. Store the ice cream in an airtight container in the freezer.

nutrition data

312 calories, 21 grams fat, 31 grams carbohydrates, 5 grams protein per 1/2 cup. This recipe is low in sodium.

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reviews & comments

  1. ykingdon REVIEW:
    June 29, 2022

    I personally thought the recipe was quite easy. It turned out delicious loved it. I made a double batch for my grandkids and they loved it.

  2. Guest Foodie REVIEW:
    July 5, 2013

    I didn't understand some of the confusion over the recipe unless it's been changed since those reviews were written. It worked great for me and turned out delicious! I added some grated chocolate to the ice cream maker just before it was done churning so it had chocolate flakes in it. Very good recipe and I would say pretty close to Ben & Jerry's

  3. englishcook November 5, 2009

    Eevening. Can someone please explain the term 'unsweetened chocolate' for a reader from England. Ove here we have 'drinking chocolate powder' which is sweet or 'cocoa powder' which is unseweetened or bars of chocolate which all contain sugar. What should I be using?Any help with a translation would be appreciated.Thanks.

  4. Cookiemonster REVIEW:
    July 20, 2009

    Better than most store bought brands. Excellent chocolate-y taste! Melt the chocolate in a saucepan with the milk in the first step (be patient and keep whisking, it will melt smoothly eventually). I like to cook the eggs, so I added the cream mixture to the saucepan with the chocolate and milk and whisked and cooked the mixture to make sure the eggs were heated enough. Then refrigerated for 3 hours. Then put in the ice cream maker and an hour later enjoyed excellent choco ice cream, yummmy!

  5. Anonymous Fixer March 3, 2008

    This is written very oddly and doesn't work as posted, so I fixed it below. Also agree with poster who suggested double boiler (you can fake this with an elevated small saucepan inside a larger saucepan in which you heat the water. Finally, I added a pinch of instant coffee, which enhances the chocolate flavor without adding more sweetness.
    [Recipe Removed - please re-submit it to the site as a new recipe]

    July 19, 2007

    I agree that the instructions are a little screwy. I just moved the first instruction to after the third (...and salt and whisk to blend). Makes more sense, the eggs get cooked a little, and the result is fantastic!Also, melt the chocolate in a double boiler and then add.

  7. Chocoholic REVIEW:
    May 6, 2007

    Yum! The missing "melt the chocolate" part of the recipe aside, this recipe was fairly simple. The result was super delicious!

  8. Neri REVIEW:
    January 20, 2007

    What I did when I made this recipe the first time, I melted the chocolate together with the milk and followed as directed. Very good ice cream!! We ate it all in about 2 days!!!

  9. Guest Foodie July 14, 2006

    uhm....i had isues understanding the frist part with wisking chocolate and heat? anyone know what i'm supposed to do?

  10. patty REVIEW:
    July 5, 2006

    This recipe has a few problems--instructions do not include when to melt the chocolate. I assumed it was done first, then mixed in with the milk at beginning--these two did not mix well, but I finally got it. Also,the eggs are not cooked at all--I found that unsafe. I ended up cooking the eggs, sugar & cream mixture over low heat for about 7 minutes. It took longer to cool off, so give yourself extra time. End result was very yummy!

Please note:
This is a copy cat recipe submitted to CDKitchen by a third-party. This recipe is not an original recipe unless specifically stated and is considered only to be an acceptable "clone" to the original for the home cook to attempt to duplicate. Please also note that many nationwide restaurant chains vary their menus and ingredients by region so the version provided may not be similar to what you may have tried before. All trademarks referenced are property of their respective owners.


Copycat Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe | (2024)


What kind of chocolate is in Ben and Jerry's? ›

Our chocolate ice cream gets its chocolatey awesomeness from Fairtrade Certified® cocoa.

What are the 13 steps to making ice cream at Ben and Jerry's? ›

Our 13 Step Process:
  • From the Farms.
  • To the Factory.
  • The Blend Tank.
  • Pasteurized & hom*ogenized.
  • The Flavor Vats.
  • The Freezer.
  • The Chunk Feeder.
  • The Contherm & Variegator.

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Where is the dairy that makes Ben and Jerry's ice cream? ›

Through our Caring Dairy program, we partner with farmers primarily in our home state of Vermont, as well as the Netherlands, Germany, and the UK, to support them in improving their farming practices. Our goal? Thriving farmers and farmworkers, healthy cows, and doing right by the environment.

Why is Ben and Jerry's so creamy? ›

If you're a fan of Ben & Jerry's, you like ice cream with low overrun. A low overrun means less air content and more room for butterfat (the fat from milk and dairy products), leaving you with richer, denser ice cream.

What are the ingredients in Ben and Jerry's chocolate chip ice cream? ›

Cream, Concentrated Skim Milk, Liquid Sugar, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (Wheat Flour, Brown Sugar, Sugar, Butter, Chocolate Chips [Sugar, Chocolate Liquor, Cocoa Butter, Emulsifier (Soybean Lecithin), Vanilla Extract], Eggs, Soybean Oil, Water, Molasses, Salt, Vanilla Extract), Water, Cookie Dough Powder (Wheat Flour, ...

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The reason they don't sell it in the more typical 48oz or half-gallon sizes is that… while people might be willing to pay $5 for a pint of ice cream, they wouldn't be willing to pay $20 for a half gallon… even though the price, per ounce, is the same.

What milk does Ben and Jerry's use? ›

The milk used in Ben & Jerry's products is sourced through the St. Albans Cooperative Creamery, which merged this year with the Dairy Farmers of America. St. Albans Cooperative processes the raw milk into separated heavy cream and condensed skim milk, according to the lawsuit.

Why is Ben and Jerry's ice cream so chunky? ›

Blame Ben For Our Chunk Obsession

Co-founder Ben Cohen has no sense of smell and very little sense of taste. So when he was developing our earliest ice cream flavors, he loved the texture of the big chunks. Fans loved it too, and it's since become our signature style.

What is the most unhealthy Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor? ›

And finally, the most unhealthy ice cream pint of them all: Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup. This pint has the largest combination of total calories, saturated fat, and sugar of any of the brands on this list.

What is the most popular Ben and Jerry's ice cream Flavour? ›

1. Half Baked. Why have just one ice cream flavor when you could have two? Fans' undying love for Half Baked proves that when you mix Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Chocolate Fudge Brownie, the result is pure magic.

What is Ben and Jerry's most famous flavor? ›

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough / Cookie Dough is by far the world's most favourite Ben & Jerry's flavour. If you're in Europe, it's just called Cookie Dough, but in the Americas, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, it goes by Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

What is the backlash of Ben and Jerry's? ›

This time it's ice-cream brand Ben & Jerry under fire after calling for returning land in the U.S. to indigenous communities. Critics of the message—tweeted out by Ben & Jerry's on July 4—called for a boycott of the brand and drew parallels with the backlash against Bud Light.

Are Ben and Jerry married? ›

A common question that people ask about the duo is: Are Ben and Jerry married? Well, if you mean to each other, the answer is no. They're just two friends who love making ice cream. The confusion perhaps arises from their outspoken support of gay marriage (as well as numerous other liberal causes).

Who makes Ben and Jerry's chocolate? ›

Ben & Jerry's | Unilever.

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What chocolate is used in our cookies? Our cookies contain the best quality chocolate. We source our White chocolate direct from Belgium and our Dark and Milk chocolate comes from a Swiss/Belgian company manufactured in the UK.

Where does Ben and Jerry's get their cocoa? ›

Where the Bean Begins. Our little cocoa bean starts out where around 40% of the world's cocoa comes from: on a farm in the Ivory Coast. So far, so average. But, what makes our bean not-so-average is that unlike a lot of the cocoa here, it's produced in Fairtrade(Opens in new window) conditions.

Does Ben and Jerry's use Fairtrade chocolate? ›

We support Fairtrade, a worldwide movement working to ensure that smallholder farmers in developing nations can make it in the ultra-competitive global marketplace. We source five core ingredients on Fairtrade terms: Sugar, cocoa, vanilla, coffee, and bananas.

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Our Flavors

How do you like your euphoria? There are so many ways to enjoy Ben & Jerry's. We cover our bases with good old chocolate and award-winning vanilla, but then go so much futher, with something for everyone. Go ahead , give it a swirl...


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.