8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (2024)

Can we all just stop an acknowledge how amazing the food is in the Fall? One of the best parts about the weather cooling down is all the fresh new produce, and my favorite are all the beautiful winter squash! In case you aren’t super familiar with this seasonal fruit, winter squash take longer to mature and have hard skin. They can be harvested and stored for 3-6 months before eating. Summer squash typically have thinner skin and should be eaten when it’s soft. They cannot be stored for long periods of time.

Now, on to the good stuff. What are some of the winter squashes? Acorn, Butternut (my fav!), Spaghetti, Banana, Sweet Dumpling, Carnival, Delicata and Pumpkin are just a few. There are MANY winter squash and they can all be roasted the same, or made into some seriously delicious recipes. I’ve found some of the best looking winter squash recipes and plan to make them all this autumn and winter!

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (1)

Source: thecleaneatingcouple.com

1. Turkey, Mushroom, Apple Stuffed Acorn Squash

One of the best things about winter squash is the hard skin makes them a perfect “bowl” for all sorts of fillings! Cut open, scoop out the seeds and roast. While they are baking away, you can sautee all sorts of other goodies, like this turkey, mushroom and apple mixture that pairs well with the sweet acorn squash. This is a perfectly healthy dinner that is done in under an hour.

Visitthecleaneatingcouple.comfor more idea on eating clean, easily!

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (2)

Source: RasaMalaysia.com

2. Garlic Parmesan Roasted Butternut Squash

Winter squash makes a great side dish, in addition to serving as a main course. This super simple garlic parmesan roasted butternut squash is delicious and flavorful. You only need squash, butter, garlic, cheese and parsley to be one happy camper. Most likely, the hardest part of prepping this dish will be cutting and peeling your squash!

You’ll find the whole recipe atRasaMalaysia.com.

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (3)

Source: CookinCanuck.com

3. Caprese Spaghetti Squash With Roasted Tomatoes

Because of the meaty texture of winter squash, they make a great substitute for pasta or even meat. If you tend to lean towards vegetarian meals you probably already love caprese salads and sandwiches- who doesn’t love all that cheese and basil? Well this spaghetti squash meal steals the show with roasted tomatoes and all the other favorite things you love about caprese.

Head over toCookinCanuck.comfor more ideas on healthy cooking and lifestyle.

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (4)

Source: SimplyRecipes.com

4. Pumpkin Ricotta Gnocchi

Fluffy pumpkin gnocchi is made possible through the use of ricotta cheese. This recipe combines browned butter and sage, and when you mix it with the pillowy-soft goodness of pumpkin gnocchi? It’s nothing short of divine! This is a great way to say HELLO FALL.

We loveSimplyRecipes.comfor this recipe and all the others that make cooking fun and easy.

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (5)

Source: DinnerAtTheZoo.com

5. Brown Sugar Delicata Squash

Most winter squash require careful cutting and peeling because of their rigid skin. The Delicata squash, however has an edible skin, and is much easier to cut (major bonus for not fearing a loss of a finger while cutting one of these open!). Simply open, scoop out seeds, slice and then coat in cinnamon, brown sugar and maple syrup for a recipe that even your kids can’t say no to!

If you are a busy mom, then you’ll love finding recipes atDinnerAtTheZoo.com. Blog creator, Sara, puts together healthy and family friendly recipes that you’ll love.

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (6)

Source: SpoonForkBacon.com

6. Kobocha Ravioli With Toasted Hazelnut Sauce

If you love to cook, you won’t mind taking on this slightly challenging recipe with a delicious homemade sauce. You’re making these beautiful raviolis from start to finish, but it will be so worth it in the end!

Check outSpoonForkBacon.comto get your hands on this recipe!

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (7)

Source: SeasonsAndSuppers.ca

7. Carnival Squash With Thai Curry Filling

All you spicy food overs out there will dig this flavorful Carnival Squash with Thai Curry filling. Red pepper and curry paste really give this recipe a punch, and the gorgeous squash serves as a beautiful bowl that will wow all your dinner guests.

There are plenty more where this came from, over atSeasonsAndSuppers.ca.

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (8)

Source: FoxesLoveLemons.com

8. Sweet Dumpling Squash Soup

You can’t make it through Autumn without whipping up a few batches of soup, especially when it comes to using winter squash. Typically you see butternut squash soup everywhere, and that’s why I love this Sweet Dumpling Squash soup- it’s a welcome change that’s just as beautiful and delicious.

Find more recipes that are perfect for the “home chef” atFoxesLoveLemons.com.

We think you’ll love some of our other autumn recipes posts too!

8 Fantastic Recipes To Get You In The Mood For Fall

10 Fall Crock Pot Recipes To Keep You Warm All Season

8 Soup Recipes That Are Perfect For Fall

7 Perfect Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treat Recipes

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (9)

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8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (10)

Karly Wood

Editor at Red Tricycle

I'm a born and bred Southern California native and currently the managing editor at Red Tri. I get to share my life with my husband of 13 years and our beautiful, 5-year old daughter. In my free time you'll catch me cheering for the Dodgers, cooking, baking, reading, crafting and probably watching a little HGTV!

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (12)

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8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (13)

Karly Wood

I'm a born and bred Southern California native and currently the managing editor at Red Tri. I get to share my life with my husband of 13 years and our beautiful, 5-year old daughter. In my free time you'll catch me cheering for the Dodgers, cooking, baking, reading, crafting and probably watching a little HGTV!

8 Wonderful Winter Squash Recipes To Keep You Warm This Autumn (2024)


What is the longest keeping winter squash? ›

About: Butternut squash have the longest storage potential and best flavor after a few months in storage. We grow more butternuts than anything, because they also prove to be the most versatile in the kitchen!

What is the best way to preserve winter squash? ›

You'll see best storage results when you stash squash in a cool, dry spot. For most winter squash, store at 50º to 55º F with relative humidity of 60 to 70 percent. The one exception, again, is Acorn squash, which should be kept at temperatures less than 55. Higher temperatures cause the flesh to become stringy.

What does winter squash do to your body? ›

This squash has a lot of antioxidants, which can boost your immunity and help your body to fight off certain diseases. Acorn squash contains antioxidants like vitamin C that help strengthen bones and blood vessels. It also has vitamin A, which helps improve the health of your lungs, heart and other vital organs.

What temperature is too cold for winter squash? ›

Most winter squash have pretty good frost tolerance, as long as they don't get exposed to a hard freeze where the temperature might get down to 28° for more than a couple hours. If a heavy frost or freeze is predicted, you can cover your squash with old blankets or a tarp to provide some protection.

Can you eat too much winter squash? ›

While the high beta-carotene content in squash can provide many benefits, studies also suggest that consuming too much of this compound can increase the risk of lung cancer. In addition, some types of prepared squash include high amounts of added sugar.

What is the easiest winter squash to grow? ›

Cucurbita moschata

Known as one of the easiest to grow of the 4 families, some popular moschata varieties are Butternut, Cherokee Tan, Seminole, and Watham squash.

What is the most disease resistant winter squash? ›

Waltham Butternut– My favorite winter squash. Disease resistant, incredibly long storage life, good flavor, and manages to stay alive even with squash bugs and borers. South Anna Butternut– Same long keeping characteristics and good flavor but with downy mildew resistance.

What is the healthiest winter squash? ›

Acorn Squash

Laura Farrell, R.D. mentions eating the fiber-rich skin can promote optimal digestive function. Acorn squash is a good source of vitamin A, magnesium and potassium and is high in vitamin C.

Should I stop watering winter squash? ›

Winter squash needs regularly watering, especially when the squash themselves are forming. Water your winter squash an inch a week at minimum, but they will be happy with more – especially if you are in a dry climate. Stop watering when the fruit is fully mature.

How do you make winter squash last? ›

Depending on the type of pumpkin or squash, it should last 2 to 6 months when stored at the ideal temperature of between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit; a cool basem*nt can work well. Under ideal storage conditions, acorn squash can last up to 2 months, butternuts 2-to-3 months, and hubbarbs 5 to 6 months.

How do you freeze winter squash without it being mushy? ›

Slice the squash into manageable chunks, like 1-inch cubes or slices. Spread the cubes or slices on a parchment-lined baking sheet in a single layer. Freeze at least one hour, or until fully frozen. Transfer the frozen squash to a zip-top bag, remove as much air as possible, and store in the freezer for up to a year.

Is winter squash anti inflammatory? ›

Winter squash also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, and for that reason may help in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Early studies also suggest that vegetables in this family may block the formation of cholesterol in cells and help regulate blood sugar levels.

What happens if you eat squash everyday? ›

Heart Health

In fact, diets rich in carotenoids, like the beta carotene in butternut squash, are associated with a lower risk of heart disease, concludes a 2020 review in Antioxidants.

Is winter squash good for kidneys? ›

Why is Squash a Superfood? Squash is fine for earlier stages of CKD and kidney transplant when potassium is well-managed without dietary restriction. With concern for potassium levels, consider having squash in small amounts.

How long can winter squash stay on the vine? ›

It's best to leave the majority of your crop on the vine until late September or October to ensure the thick skins necessary for winter storage, but make sure you have your butternut squash harvest in before the first frost.

What is the world record for winter squash? ›

The gargantuan butternut squash that set the world record weighed in at 131.4 pounds and was entered by Jason Loris, of the Amissville area of Rappahannock County.

How long can I keep butternut squash? ›

If you don't need to use your butternut squash right away, you'll want store it raw and whole (don't peel it!) in a cool, dark place; on the counter works, too. It can last for one to three months this way, so don't worry about it going bad if you decide to stock up way ahead of time.


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