100 Top February Quotes for a Great Month (2024)

/ Self-love / Last Updated On: February 1, 2024 / 11 minutes of reading

100 Top February Quotes for a Great Month (1)

There are many reasons to love February. Not only is it the month that Valentine’s Day falls into, as well as Self-love day, but it can be a great month for second chances.

What I mean by that is January is when many of us start chasing our goals and resolutions for the year. However, it isn’t completely abnormal or unexpected for something to have gone wrong. Maybe we got off to a rough start. Maybe something has already happened that has completely thrown us of course and caused us to lose sight of our goals.

Whatever has happened, February can be a great second chance for us to gather ourselves, regroup, and try again.

Hopefully, these February quotes that I will share below with you can inspire you to make the most of the month ahead.

Table of Contents

Why should you read February Quotes?

Reading quotes about February can help you to get a different perspective on the month from a wide variety of viewpoints. They can also help to inspire you to make the most of the month.

February Quotes

  1. “In February, there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.” – Patience Strong
  2. “February: The month where even the groundhog comes out of hiding to predict the weather. If a groundhog can face its shadow, so can you!” – unknown
  3. “While reflecting on past relationships and learning from them can be helpful, February isn’t the best time to try and gain insight.”― Amy Morin
  4. In February, remember that you’re just one Valentine’s chocolate away from true happiness… or a sugar crash. But hey, it’s worth the risk!” – unknown
  5. “Cold and snowy February does seem slow and trying, very. Still, a month made gay by Cupid never could be wholly stupid.” – Louise Bennett Weaver
  6. “February is like a trial run for the New Year’s resolutions we forgot about in January. Keep going, maybe this time you’ll remember!” – unknown
  7. “Why, what’s the matter, That you have such a February face, So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?” — William Shakespeare
  8. “They say good things come to those who wait, but in February, good things come to those who brave the cold to get more hot cocoa.” – unknown
  9. “February, the month of love? No wonder the shortest one in the calendar.” – Dinesh Kumar Biran
  10. “February: the shortest month, but the one where you realize how long a minute can really be, especially when waiting for the weekend” – unknown

Quotes About February

  1. “Though February is short, it is filled with lots of love and sweet surprises.” ― Charmaine J. Forde
  2. The first morning of February is like a cool breeze of love.” – unknown
  3. “February, when the days of winter seem endless and no amount of wistful recollecting can bring back any air of summer.” – Shirley Jackson
  4. “February has finally arrived. Spring is on the way.” – unknown
  5. “February is even better, though, because it lets us study why so many of those resolutions are broken.” – Sendhil Mullainathan
  6. “Don’t let the lovebirds steal your happiness in February.” – unknown
  7. “February days are a marketing gimmick, love happens every day.” – Randeep Hooda
  8. “Can February March? No. But, April May.” – unknown
  9. “Late February, and the air’s so balmy snowdrops and crocuses might be fooled into early blooming. Then, the inevitable blizzard will come, blighting our harbingers of spring, and the numbed yards will go back undercover.” — Gail Mazur
  10. “My boyfriend is like February 30th– He doesn’t exist.” – unknown
100 Top February Quotes for a Great Month (2)

February Inspirational Quotes

  1. “February is the border between winter and spring.” – Terri Guillemets
  2. “Happy February!” – unknown
  3. “February, a form pale-vestured, wildly fair. One of the North Wind’s daughters with icicles in her hair.” ― Edgar Fawcett
  4. “February is the most wonderful month of the year.” – unknown
  5. February is short and very sweet.” — Charmaine J Forde
  6. “Welcome February. Wishing you a month filled with love, peace, and joy.” – unknown
  7. “February is the shortest month, so if you’re having a miserable month, try to schedule it for February.” – Lemony Snickett
  8. “During this seasons of love focus on loving more than just those closest to you. Love everyone.” – unknown
  9. “Though, February is short, it is filled with lots of love and sweet surprises.” – Charmaine J Forde
  10. “February is the month of love. Celebrate your loved ones and spread love wherever you go.” – unknown

February Quote

  1. “February is the uncertain month, neither black nor white but all shades between by turns. Nothing is sure.” – Gladys Hasty Carroll
  2. “February. There is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.” – unknown
  3. “Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.”– Catherine Pulsifer
  4. “May you see love all around you this February.” – unknown
  5. “Late February days; and now, at last, Might you have thought that winter’s woe was past; So fair the sky was and so soft the air.” — William Morris
  6. “February means loveable month in which days are less and love is more. Happy February.” – unknown
  7. “I used to try to decide which was the worst month of the year. In the winter I would choose February. The reason God made February short a few days was because he knew that by the time people came to the end of it they would die if they had to stand one more blasted day.” – Katherine Paterson
  8. “Hello February. Whether Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall, may February bring you love, happiness, blessings, hugs and an abundance of all that your heart desires.” – unknown
  9. February, sweet and small, the greatest month of all.” – Eric Lies
  10. “February. Where winter whispers it’s final verses and the promise of spring dances in every snowflake.” – unknown
100 Top February Quotes for a Great Month (3)

Quotes for February

  1. “In February air. Please don’t lose hold of me out there.” – Lights
  2. “Without Valentine’s day, February would be…..well January.” – unknown
  3. “Let this new month bring great miracles, new adventures, incredible breakthroughs, new visions & greater blessings for you & your beloved ones.” – Rajesh Goyal
  4. “One of the major dangers of being alone in February is the tendency to dwell on past relationships. Whether you’re daydreaming about that ‘one that got away,’ or you’re recalling the fairy tale date you went on last Valentine’s Day, romanticizing the past isn’t helpful – nor accurate.” — Amy Morin
  5. “Terrible, dreepy, dark February weather I remember, and the worst, most frightened days of my life.” – Sebastian Barry
  6. February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March.” – Dr. J. R. Stockton
  7. “When God was making the months I think February was a mistake, like a burp. There it was, small, dark, and prickly. It had absolutely no redeeming qualities.” – Shannon Wiersbitzky
  8. “Okay love birds listen up! I have an announcement to make. Today is the 14th of February and it is a special day for you. Try to loosen up and llove each other like you inhale the last breath of your life. Make it exciting and enjoyable. Happy Valentine’s Day.” – Euginia Herlihy
  9. “On the wind in February, snowflakes float still. Half inclined to turn to rain, nipping, dripping, chill.” – Christina Georgina Rossetti
  10. “In the best of all possible worlds, February 14 is a pleasant and sentimental opportunity to lavish your partner with attention or move your relationship to the next level.” – Pepper Schwartz

Happy February Quotes

  1. “The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.” – William C. Bryant
  2. “For a country that makes such a fuss about love on the 14th of February, America has a funny way of showing it on the other 364 days of the year.” – Amanda Foreman
  3. “There is always in February some one day, at least, when one smells the yet distant, but surely coming, summer.” — Gertrude Jekyll
  4. In February’s dark we watched the stars explode until daybreak.” – Laura Veirs
  5. “Why do all of our friends and relatives destroy the summer for us? Why can’t they get married in February?” – Jerry Della Femina
  6. “If you meet 29th February, think of something unique for it is the only day that defines a year as a leap year. It is the only day that makes February truly unique.” – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
  7. “It’s February again, we must get older, now, so please wake up.” – Regina Spektor
  8. “I love any excuse to come to New York – when it’s not February.” K.A Applegate
  9. “February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen lake again.” – Sara Coleridge
  10. “Even though February was the shortest month of the year, sometimes it seemed like the longest.” – Lorraine Snelling
100 Top February Quotes for a Great Month (4)

Inspirational Quotes for February

  1. “While it is February, one can taste the full joys of anticipation. Spring stands at the gate with her finger on the latch.” – Patience Strong
  2. Don’t wait until February to start living in January.” – Anthony T. Hincks
  3. “In the coldest February, as in every other month in every other year, the best thing to hold on to in this world is each other.”— Linda Ellerbee
  4. “The shortest day has passed, and whatever nastiness of weather we may look forward to in January and February, at least we notice that the days are getting longer.” – V. Sackville-West
  5. “Today is the first of February, snowy, brilliant, but dripping with the sound of spring wherever the sun lies warm, and calling with the heart of spring yonder where the crows are assembling. There is spring in the talk of the chickadees outside my window, and in the cheerful bluster of a red squirrel in the hickory.” – Dallas Lore Sharp
  6. “Even winter, the hardest season, the most implacable, dreams, as Februarycreeps on, of the flame that will presently melt it away. Everything tires with time and starts to seek some opposition, to save it from itself.” – Clive Barker
  7. “In February, the possibilities are endless!” – unknown
  8. “Thick February mists cling heavily to the dead earth and to each leafless tree.” – Emma Lazarus
  9. “February brings the rain, thaws the frozen lake again.” – Sara Coleridge
  10. “Anything can happen in February. Love. Your dreams. Your dreams of love. Make it happen.” – unknown

Hello February Quotes

  1. “Hello February. Be mine!” – unknown
  2. “If January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. January is for dreamers… February is for doers.” — Marc Parent
  3. “February feels like one long Tuesday.” – unknown
  4. Violets are God’s apology for February.” – Barbra Johnson
  5. “Life is like February, short and sweet.” – unknown
  6. “In February, when my garden is barren of flowers, you are the only flower blooming in my heart. I cherish you and adore you with all of my heart because you are my Valentine.” – Debasish Mridha
  7. “Hello February. Let’s love and roll on. Goodbye, January. Thanks for everything.” – unknown
  8. “New month, new intentions, new goals, new love, new light, and new beginnings.” – April Mae Monterrosa
  9. “February. A month to celebratet the beauty of simplicity.” – unknown
  10. “January cold and desolate; February dripping wet.” – Christina Giorgina Rossetti
100 Top February Quotes for a Great Month (5)

Welcome February Quotes

  1. Welcome February. As flowers bloom in February, may your life blossom with love and prosperity.” – unknown
  2. “No one’s ever achieved financial fitness with a January resolution that’s abandoned by February.” ― Suze Orman
  3. “February: Short, sweet, and a sensational end to the season.” – unknown
  4. “The only bubble in the flat champagne of February is Valentine’s Day. It was no accident that our ancestors pinned Valentine’s Day on February’s shirt: he or she lucky enough to have a lover in frigid, antsy February has cause for celebration, indeed.” — Tom Robbins
  5. “February. Chapter 2 of 12.” – unknown
  6. “February makes a bridge and march breaks it.” — Georges Hebert
  7. “Welcome February. Please be awesome.” – unknown
  8. “This February I will make a difference.” – unknown
  9. “Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” – Douglas Pagels
  10. “Welcome to February- The best month of the year.” – unknown

Love Quotes For February

  1. “Cold and snowy February does seem slow and trying, very. Still, a month made gay by Cupid never could be wholly stupid.” — Louise Bennett Weaver
  2. “February, the month of love is here. And it reminds us to cherish the ones we hold dear.” – unknown
  3. “You don’t love someone because they’re perfect; you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not.” – Jodi Picoult
  4. “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”– Emily Bronte
  5. They say February is the month of love. But with you, every month is full of love.” – unknown
  6. “Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” – Paulo Coelho
  7. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu
  8. “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss
  9. “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” – Robert A. Heinlein
  10. “February is all about love.” – unknown

Final Thoughts…

As January comes to an end and February begins, it is a wonderful time to reflect on your plans for the year. Even though it may not be a fresh start like January, you can still channel the motivation and hope from the beginning of the year to fuel you through February and remind you of what is important to you.

Use any of the quotes from this list for any inspiration that you may need.

Take care of yourself.

If you liked this post, you should check out:

  • The Best Quotes All About January
  • Monthly Journal Prompts For The Best Year Yet
  • How To Make Sure You Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution
100 Top February Quotes for a Great Month (2024)


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Motivational February quotes about hope:

In February there is everything to hope for and nothing to regret.” - Patience Strong, poet and singer. “The shortest day has passed, and whatever nastiness of weather we may look forward to in January and February, at least we notice that the days are getting longer.” - V.

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Best february instagram captions
  • February is the month of love and cozy sweaters.
  • Love is in the February air.
  • February: the month to celebrate love and friendship.
  • Here's to a lovely and memorable February.
  • Cheers to a fabulous February filled with love and joy.
  • February vibes and good times.

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A new month marks a new beginning and a fresh start.” “No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.” “Cheers to a new month and another chance for us to get it right.” “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.”

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15 Inspiring New Month Quotes to Kickstart Your Journey to Success
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  • “Embrace the new month as a blank canvas, ready to be filled with beautiful moments, accomplishments, and joy.”
Aug 1, 2023

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February, when the days of winter seem endless and no amount of wistful recollecting can bring back any air of summer.” “Late February days; and now, at last, Might you have thought that Winter's woe was past; So fair the sky was and so soft the air.”

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There are so many February holidays and observances to commemorate. Of course, February is the month of Valentine's Day and the federal holiday Presidents' Day, and it's when we honor Black History Month too. This year, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) and Ash Wednesday also fall in February.

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Even with leap years, February remains the shortest month, with 28 days in common years and 29 days in leap years. This unique duration reflects ancient Roman traditions, superstitions, and the necessity to align the calendar with natural cycles.

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Love is in the air! Not for nothing is February known as the month of 'love'. Astrologically this month is ruled by the planet Venus (also known as the planet of romance and desire). Moreover, Valentine's Day is also observed in the month of February!

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Today, take a leap of faith and find the courage to speak out against the injustices you are aware of. Be an agent of positive change, even if it means standing alone. Sometimes it's easier to follow others, even when they're doing something wrong. But you are better than that.

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William Cullen Bryant Quotes

The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.

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Short new month instagram captions
  • Hello, [month]. Let's conquer!
  • New month, fresh start.
  • Ready to embrace the [month] vibes.
  • Cheers to a month full of possibilities.
  • New month, new opportunities.
  • Hello, new chapter!
  • Excited for what [month] has in store.
  • Let the adventure begin. Happy [month]!

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Life isn't as serious as the mind makes it out to be — Eckhart Tolle. Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm —Winston Churchill. A real man smiles in times of trouble, gathers strength from distress and grows brave by reflection — Thomas Paine.

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It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up. The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need tomorrow. Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it. The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

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50 motivational quotes
  • "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." — ...
  • "Your self-worth is determined by you. ...
  • "Nothing is impossible. ...
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  • “You have brains in your head. ...
  • "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." —
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11. “The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you're very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.”

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Happy February, everyone! May this month be full of blessings, positivity, and good vibes. It's the beginning of a new month, a new chapter in our lives. Let's make the most of it and embrace all the opportunities that come our way.


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.